
Community Q&A

FAQs about how to use our Community can be found under your Avatar by clicking on Help, and also through this link.


Additional FAQs about our new PowerSchool Community


Question 1. Can anyone join the PowerSchool Community?

Answer 1. Yes. You can join our Community by using Sign In and selecting New User? Register here. We recommend signing up with your school email address. This will help us make sure we are connecting you with the right resources and assistance. 

If you are using one of the SSO products listed below, you will want to navigate to the community from the product to access additional resources.  The articles below will guide you through this process.


SSO Products :


Question 2. How do I get started?

Answer 2. Getting Started is easy.  Watch our helpful video to get a quick overview.


Question 3. What are the Password and Username Requirements when I register?

Answer 3.Your username must be 3 or more characters in length, maximum of 20 characters, 
and your Password needs to have the following:

  • 1 uppercase letter
  • 1 lower case letter
  • 1 number
  •  Minimum of 7 characters

SSO users do not need a username or password. In order to access the community resources, simply log in to the product and choose community in the help menu.


Question 4. Can I still access my old help sites?

Answer 4. If you use PowerSource, it will continue to be available for some time for resources such as downloads/installers, training, and in-person event registration.


The PowerSchool Community provides the most current Knowledge Base articles, Product Updates, forums, ideas portal, case portal, and more.


Question 5. What types of resources are available for me through the Community?

Answer 5. You can find our Knowledge Bases, Forums, and Product Updates under Product Support. You can also find links to Services and Training options. Additionally, when you need technical support, you'll find how to submit a request under Contact Support.


Question 6. Do I post in the forums if I need help from Support?

Answer 6. Our forums are a great place to exchange ideas, share best practices, and ask how-to questions. If you are in need of technical support, you can reach out to our support team by going to our Contact Support page. We've created a helpful article on when it's best to post in the Community and when to reach out to Support for your reference. 


Question 7. I'm looking for a topic and it doesn't come up in my searches. 

Answer 7. Be sure to check out our article on search-tips to help.


Also, please note that we will continue to grow the resources we offer. If we don't quite have what you are looking for, please post in one of our forums. Our members and our Community team will respond. If you find the answer helpful, you can indicate that by clicking on Accept as Solution. This will grow our library of resources and help other members find those answers as well. 


Question 8. Why can't I access all the product pages listed under Product Support?

Answer 8. Resources are accessible based on the role assigned by your school or district. Some pages are open to all Community Members while others are restricted to certain roles within a school or district such as Technical Contact.  You can learn more about community access in this article.


FAQs about how to use our Community can be found under your Avatar by clicking on Help, and also through this link.


Additional FAQs about our new PowerSchool Community


Question 1. Can anyone join the PowerSchool Community?

Answer 1. Yes. You can join our Community by using Sign In and selecting New User? Register here. We recommend signing up with your school email address. This will help us make sure we are connecting you with the right resources and assistance. 

If you are using one of the SSO products listed below, you will want to navigate to the community from the product to access additional resources.  The articles below will guide you through this process.


SSO Products :


Question 2. How do I get started?

Answer 2. Getting Started is easy.  Watch our helpful video to get a quick overview.


Question 3. What are the Password and Username Requirements when I register?

Answer 3.Your username must be 3 or more characters in length, maximum of 20 characters, 
and your Password needs to have the following:

  • 1 uppercase letter
  • 1 lower case letter
  • 1 number
  •  Minimum of 7 characters

SSO users do not need a username or password. In order to access the community resources, simply log in to the product and choose community in the help menu.


Question 4. Can I still access my old help sites?

Answer 4. If you use PowerSource, it will continue to be available for some time for resources such as downloads/installers, training, and in-person event registration.


The PowerSchool Community provides the most current Knowledge Base articles, Product Updates, forums, ideas portal, case portal, and more.


Question 5. What types of resources are available for me through the Community?

Answer 5. You can find our Knowledge Bases, Forums, and Product Updates under Product Support. You can also find links to Services and Training options. Additionally, when you need technical support, you'll find how to submit a request under Contact Support.


Question 6. Do I post in the forums if I need help from Support?

Answer 6. Our forums are a great place to exchange ideas, share best practices, and ask how-to questions. If you are in need of technical support, you can reach out to our support team by going to our Contact Support page. We've created a helpful article on when it's best to post in the Community and when to reach out to Support for your reference. 


Question 7. I'm looking for a topic and it doesn't come up in my searches. 

Answer 7. Be sure to check out our article on search-tips to help.


Also, please note that we will continue to grow the resources we offer. If we don't quite have what you are looking for, please post in one of our forums. Our members and our Community team will respond. If you find the answer helpful, you can indicate that by clicking on Accept as Solution. This will grow our library of resources and help other members find those answers as well. 


Question 8. Why can't I access all the product pages listed under Product Support?

Answer 8. Resources are accessible based on the role assigned by your school or district. Some pages are open to all Community Members while others are restricted to certain roles within a school or district such as Technical Contact.  You can learn more about community access in this article.


FAQs about how to use our Community can be found under your Avatar by clicking on Help, and also through this link.


Additional FAQs about our new PowerSchool Community


Question 1. Can anyone join the PowerSchool Community?

Answer 1. Yes. You can join our Community by using Sign In and selecting New User? Register here. We recommend signing up with your school email address. This will help us make sure we are connecting you with the right resources and assistance. 

If you are using one of the SSO products listed below, you will want to navigate to the community from the product to access additional resources.  The articles below will guide you through this process.


SSO Products :


Question 2. How do I get started?

Answer 2. Getting Started is easy.  Watch our helpful video to get a quick overview.


Question 3. What are the Password and Username Requirements when I register?

Answer 3.Your username must be 3 or more characters in length, maximum of 20 characters, 
and your Password needs to have the following:

  • 1 uppercase letter
  • 1 lower case letter
  • 1 number
  •  Minimum of 7 characters

SSO users do not need a username or password. In order to access the community resources, simply log in to the product and choose community in the help menu.


Question 4. Can I still access my old help sites?

Answer 4. If you use PowerSource, it will continue to be available for some time for resources such as downloads/installers, training, and in-person event registration.


The PowerSchool Community provides the most current Knowledge Base articles, Product Updates, forums, ideas portal, case portal, and more.


Question 5. What types of resources are available for me through the Community?

Answer 5. You can find our Knowledge Bases, Forums, and Product Updates under Product Support. You can also find links to Services and Training options. Additionally, when you need technical support, you'll find how to submit a request under Contact Support.


Question 6. Do I post in the forums if I need help from Support?

Answer 6. Our forums are a great place to exchange ideas, share best practices, and ask how-to questions. If you are in need of technical support, you can reach out to our support team by going to our Contact Support page. We've created a helpful article on when it's best to post in the Community and when to reach out to Support for your reference. 


Question 7. I'm looking for a topic and it doesn't come up in my searches. 

Answer 7. Be sure to check out our article on search-tips to help.


Also, please note that we will continue to grow the resources we offer. If we don't quite have what you are looking for, please post in one of our forums. Our members and our Community team will respond. If you find the answer helpful, you can indicate that by clicking on Accept as Solution. This will grow our library of resources and help other members find those answers as well. 


Question 8. Why can't I access all the product pages listed under Product Support?

Answer 8. Resources are accessible based on the role assigned by your school or district. Some pages are open to all Community Members while others are restricted to certain roles within a school or district such as Technical Contact.  You can learn more about community access in this article.


Version history
Last update:
‎02-21-2025 07:14 AM
Updated by: