All Community Members
As a Community Member, you’ll have access to public content. Certain content may require additional access, which can be designated by your school or district.
Some products offer access through Single Sign-On (SSO). Please refer to our Getting Started guide for a list of products that support SSO.
Technical Contacts
As a Technical Contact, you should have access to resources and Support for the products you are designated to support. To verify you have the correct access:
If you need further assistance, please reach out to the PowerSchool team by emailing
All Community Members
As a Community Member, you’ll have access to public content. Certain content may require additional access, which can be designated by your school or district.
Some products offer access through Single Sign-On (SSO). Please refer to our Getting Started guide for a list of products that support SSO.
Technical Contacts
As a Technical Contact, you should have access to resources and Support for the products you are designated to support. To verify you have the correct access:
If you need further assistance, please reach out to the PowerSchool team by emailing
All Community Members
As a Community Member, you’ll have access to public content. Certain content may require additional access, which can be designated by your school or district.
Some products offer access through Single Sign-On (SSO). Please refer to our Getting Started guide for a list of products that support SSO.
Technical Contacts
As a Technical Contact, you should have access to resources and Support for the products you are designated to support. To verify you have the correct access:
If you need further assistance, please reach out to the PowerSchool team by emailing