
Attendance Codes


Attendance Codes

What code should I use when I am trying to develop a Report (Letter) that automatically generates accurate attendance records for Truancy?


We have 8 periods a day and if they miss 4 of those periods it should only reflect they have missed 0.5 Days not one full day.  Additionally we do not want certain codes included in this such as In/Out School Suspension or when visiting the doctor.  


Essentially I need something to the effect of 


^(*DABS)  minus  ^(daily.att.points;;O, I, D;YR)
(I don't know the difference between "count" and "points")
What would be our option from the link you sent? When looking at it from your standpoint and again this is not my realm from an IT perspective.
1 Reply

Hi @tvancaster,


Good Day! I recommend reviewing the following articles that will help you get started.


Attendance Tracking and Notification 


Data Access Tags


Additionally, you can review the documents on Truancy and Attendance - Levels Reached Report and Truancy and Attendance Letters Report (View Only and Extract) for more information on tracking Turancies.


Note: You would want to work with the technical contact in your school district to review the information in the first two articles.


Meanwhile, we hope that other community members jump in and share their insights on this.



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