Video: Creating a Subject and Choosing Broadcast Types


Your Subject identifies what the broadcast is about, and the Broadcast Type can affect how the broadcast is sent.


Choosing a Subject

  • The Subject Line

    • Your Subject describes the topic of the broadcast. It can also help you locate the broadcast later. 
    • Note: This Subject will also be the default subject line of an email you may choose to send as part of this broadcast, so be sure to use appropriate wording.
    • You are limited to 50 characters in the Subject. 


Choosing a Subject.jpg


Broadcast Types

  1. Broadcast Types

    • Here you can choose the type of broadcast you are sending, whether it is a general announcement, and emergency, etc. Note these will be customized for your district and you likely will not see this exact list of available types.

  2. Non-Emergency Types

    • These broadcast types will usually be used for general announcements, attendance, and other non-emergency situations, and will usually be limited as to the number of phones, emails, or text numbers we contact. This behavior may be customized for your district, so check with an administrator for specifics.
    • Non-Emergency Types have a lower priority than Emergency Types, though you will usually notice no difference in speed.

  3. Emergency Types

    • Emergency Types will usually behave as "all point bulletins", contacting anyone on your contact list at any phone number, email, and/or text number we have on file for them. This behavior is customized to your district, so check with a local administrator for specifics.
    • Emergency Types will always be given priority over Non-Emergency Types in our system.

  4. School Hours vs. Non-School Hours

    • These labels do not determine when you are allowed to send these broadcast types. They only control the behaviors of the broadcast type, which may differ or could be the same depending on district customization.
    • Note: You may only see "Emergency" under the Emergency Types, rather than a separate School Hours or Non-School Hours broadcast type.


Broadcast Types.png 



Video on Creating a Subject and Choosing Broadcast Types





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Your Subject identifies what the broadcast is about, and the Broadcast Type can affect how the broadcast is sent.


Choosing a Subject

  • The Subject Line

    • Your Subject describes the topic of the broadcast. It can also help you locate the broadcast later. 
    • Note: This Subject will also be the default subject line of an email you may choose to send as part of this broadcast, so be sure to use appropriate wording.
    • You are limited to 50 characters in the Subject. 


Choosing a Subject.jpg


Broadcast Types

  1. Broadcast Types

    • Here you can choose the type of broadcast you are sending, whether it is a general announcement, and emergency, etc. Note these will be customized for your district and you likely will not see this exact list of available types.

  2. Non-Emergency Types

    • These broadcast types will usually be used for general announcements, attendance, and other non-emergency situations, and will usually be limited as to the number of phones, emails, or text numbers we contact. This behavior may be customized for your district, so check with an administrator for specifics.
    • Non-Emergency Types have a lower priority than Emergency Types, though you will usually notice no difference in speed.

  3. Emergency Types

    • Emergency Types will usually behave as "all point bulletins", contacting anyone on your contact list at any phone number, email, and/or text number we have on file for them. This behavior is customized to your district, so check with a local administrator for specifics.
    • Emergency Types will always be given priority over Non-Emergency Types in our system.

  4. School Hours vs. Non-School Hours

    • These labels do not determine when you are allowed to send these broadcast types. They only control the behaviors of the broadcast type, which may differ or could be the same depending on district customization.
    • Note: You may only see "Emergency" under the Emergency Types, rather than a separate School Hours or Non-School Hours broadcast type.


Broadcast Types.png 



Video on Creating a Subject and Choosing Broadcast Types





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Your Subject identifies what the broadcast is about, and the Broadcast Type can affect how the broadcast is sent.


Choosing a Subject

  • The Subject Line

    • Your Subject describes the topic of the broadcast. It can also help you locate the broadcast later. 
    • Note: This Subject will also be the default subject line of an email you may choose to send as part of this broadcast, so be sure to use appropriate wording.
    • You are limited to 50 characters in the Subject. 


Choosing a Subject.jpg


Broadcast Types

  1. Broadcast Types

    • Here you can choose the type of broadcast you are sending, whether it is a general announcement, and emergency, etc. Note these will be customized for your district and you likely will not see this exact list of available types.

  2. Non-Emergency Types

    • These broadcast types will usually be used for general announcements, attendance, and other non-emergency situations, and will usually be limited as to the number of phones, emails, or text numbers we contact. This behavior may be customized for your district, so check with an administrator for specifics.
    • Non-Emergency Types have a lower priority than Emergency Types, though you will usually notice no difference in speed.

  3. Emergency Types

    • Emergency Types will usually behave as "all point bulletins", contacting anyone on your contact list at any phone number, email, and/or text number we have on file for them. This behavior is customized to your district, so check with a local administrator for specifics.
    • Emergency Types will always be given priority over Non-Emergency Types in our system.

  4. School Hours vs. Non-School Hours

    • These labels do not determine when you are allowed to send these broadcast types. They only control the behaviors of the broadcast type, which may differ or could be the same depending on district customization.
    • Note: You may only see "Emergency" under the Emergency Types, rather than a separate School Hours or Non-School Hours broadcast type.


Broadcast Types.png 



Video on Creating a Subject and Choosing Broadcast Types





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‎04-12-2024 03:56 PM
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