Video: Creating a Contact List Using Quick Pick


You can use Quick Pick to create a list of only certain individuals, as opposed to an entire group of people created from rules.


Video explaining Creating a Contact List Using Quick Pick



Choosing Quick Pick as a list creation option

  1. Once you have entered your broadcast subject and chosen your broadcast type, click Add Message Recipients. Under that pull down, choose Quick Pick.

  2. Search for Person

    • The default recipient selection in Quick Pick is to Search for Person. This allows you to enter information about those you which to choose in the search field below the radio buttons. You can search by first or last name, phone number, ID number, or email address.  Enter the information and click the Search button. Repeat this process for each person you wish to add.


Selecting Your recipients Using Search by Rules

  1. If you are going to pick a large number of recipients, it may be faster and easier to narrow your selection list using Search by Rules. Select this radio button "Search by Rules".
  2. Click the Select a Field pulls down to choose what rules to use to sort your recipients.
  3. When using rules with Quick Pick, while the system will return the same results as if you were creating this list without using Quick Pick, the difference is most noticeable here. No one in the search result is selected by default.  Instead, you've used rules to limit the number of options, and from here you can select the recipients to whom you wish to send your broadcast by checking the box next to their ID.
  4. NOTE: You can change pages without losing your current selection. You could also use a new rule and add to your existing selection.
  5. Once you have selected all of your intended recipients, choose Add Selected Recipients in the lower right. This will create a contact list for you, called Quick Pick.



Saving Your Quick Pick List For future use

  • If you would like to save your newly created Quick Pick list for future re-use, click the middle icon- the up arrow into the cloud.
  • You will have the opportunity to rename your list to something more meaningful and easier to identify later than "Quick Pick".
  • NOTE: Quick Pick lists will automatically update contact information for recipients on the list. However, the members of the list will not automatically update, as you manually selected them. You will need to manually add or remove recipients on the list by clicking the Broadcast Tab, then editing the list under that tab.



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You can use Quick Pick to create a list of only certain individuals, as opposed to an entire group of people created from rules.


Video explaining Creating a Contact List Using Quick Pick



Choosing Quick Pick as a list creation option

  1. Once you have entered your broadcast subject and chosen your broadcast type, click Add Message Recipients. Under that pull down, choose Quick Pick.

  2. Search for Person

    • The default recipient selection in Quick Pick is to Search for Person. This allows you to enter information about those you which to choose in the search field below the radio buttons. You can search by first or last name, phone number, ID number, or email address.  Enter the information and click the Search button. Repeat this process for each person you wish to add.


Selecting Your recipients Using Search by Rules

  1. If you are going to pick a large number of recipients, it may be faster and easier to narrow your selection list using Search by Rules. Select this radio button "Search by Rules".
  2. Click the Select a Field pulls down to choose what rules to use to sort your recipients.
  3. When using rules with Quick Pick, while the system will return the same results as if you were creating this list without using Quick Pick, the difference is most noticeable here. No one in the search result is selected by default.  Instead, you've used rules to limit the number of options, and from here you can select the recipients to whom you wish to send your broadcast by checking the box next to their ID.
  4. NOTE: You can change pages without losing your current selection. You could also use a new rule and add to your existing selection.
  5. Once you have selected all of your intended recipients, choose Add Selected Recipients in the lower right. This will create a contact list for you, called Quick Pick.



Saving Your Quick Pick List For future use

  • If you would like to save your newly created Quick Pick list for future re-use, click the middle icon- the up arrow into the cloud.
  • You will have the opportunity to rename your list to something more meaningful and easier to identify later than "Quick Pick".
  • NOTE: Quick Pick lists will automatically update contact information for recipients on the list. However, the members of the list will not automatically update, as you manually selected them. You will need to manually add or remove recipients on the list by clicking the Broadcast Tab, then editing the list under that tab.



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You can use Quick Pick to create a list of only certain individuals, as opposed to an entire group of people created from rules.


Video explaining Creating a Contact List Using Quick Pick



Choosing Quick Pick as a list creation option

  1. Once you have entered your broadcast subject and chosen your broadcast type, click Add Message Recipients. Under that pull down, choose Quick Pick.

  2. Search for Person

    • The default recipient selection in Quick Pick is to Search for Person. This allows you to enter information about those you which to choose in the search field below the radio buttons. You can search by first or last name, phone number, ID number, or email address.  Enter the information and click the Search button. Repeat this process for each person you wish to add.


Selecting Your recipients Using Search by Rules

  1. If you are going to pick a large number of recipients, it may be faster and easier to narrow your selection list using Search by Rules. Select this radio button "Search by Rules".
  2. Click the Select a Field pulls down to choose what rules to use to sort your recipients.
  3. When using rules with Quick Pick, while the system will return the same results as if you were creating this list without using Quick Pick, the difference is most noticeable here. No one in the search result is selected by default.  Instead, you've used rules to limit the number of options, and from here you can select the recipients to whom you wish to send your broadcast by checking the box next to their ID.
  4. NOTE: You can change pages without losing your current selection. You could also use a new rule and add to your existing selection.
  5. Once you have selected all of your intended recipients, choose Add Selected Recipients in the lower right. This will create a contact list for you, called Quick Pick.



Saving Your Quick Pick List For future use

  • If you would like to save your newly created Quick Pick list for future re-use, click the middle icon- the up arrow into the cloud.
  • You will have the opportunity to rename your list to something more meaningful and easier to identify later than "Quick Pick".
  • NOTE: Quick Pick lists will automatically update contact information for recipients on the list. However, the members of the list will not automatically update, as you manually selected them. You will need to manually add or remove recipients on the list by clicking the Broadcast Tab, then editing the list under that tab.



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‎04-22-2024 11:38 AM
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