Video: Creating and Using Broadcast Templates in SchoolMessenger Communicate


This article will help you understand how to create and send a broadcast template in SchoolMessenger Communicate.


Video on Creating and Using Broadcast Templates in SchoolMessenger Communicate



Creating a template for use in SchoolMessenger Communicate


To get started creating a broadcast template, click on the Broadcast Tab in the upper left, then choose Templates underneath that.


Creating Template.jpg


Adding a new broadcast template


Once under the Templates section, click Add New Template to the right.


Add New Template.jpg


Creating your new template


Name Your Template:

Give your template a descriptive name, so you'll be able to tell at a glance which broadcast it is sending and to what list.

Choosing a Broadcast Type:

Pick the most appropriate broadcast type for your broadcast that will be sent as part of this template. Broadcast Types are covered in another lesson on this site.

Choose Your List(s):

Select the list or lists to which you will be sending the broadcast included with this template.  Note that in order to create a template, you must already have lists created and saved. There are no lists available in this example, so we'd need to create and save lists before we could continue.

Choose The Appropriate Message:

Choose the appropriate message to be sent as part of the broadcast associated with this template.  

Note that the same as with lists, your message must already be created and saved before you can include it in a template. We have no saved messages in this example, and would need to create and save a message before we could continue with the template.


Save Your Template:

Once you've given your broadcast template a name, chosen your type, picked your list(s), and picked the correct message, save your template by clicking Save in the lower left.
Create New Template.jpg


Using your Saved broadcast template


Once a template is saved, you can start it from your Dashboard without having to go back to the Broadcast Tab and Templates. You don't even need to click New Broadcast, as Broadcast Templates have their own section below the New Broadcast button, as seen here.

Click on the template you wish to send. It will start a new broadcast, automatically giving it the subject of your template name, setting the type to whatever you chose when you created the template, and adding your selected recipients.

Click Continue to move to the second step, where the template will automatically load the message you chose when creating the template.

Click Continue one more time, and you'll be on the Review screen. Double-check that your recipient count seems correct, and click Send Now in the lower right.


Use Saved Template.jpg




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This article will help you understand how to create and send a broadcast template in SchoolMessenger Communicate.


Video on Creating and Using Broadcast Templates in SchoolMessenger Communicate



Creating a template for use in SchoolMessenger Communicate


To get started creating a broadcast template, click on the Broadcast Tab in the upper left, then choose Templates underneath that.


Creating Template.jpg


Adding a new broadcast template


Once under the Templates section, click Add New Template to the right.


Add New Template.jpg


Creating your new template


Name Your Template:

Give your template a descriptive name, so you'll be able to tell at a glance which broadcast it is sending and to what list.

Choosing a Broadcast Type:

Pick the most appropriate broadcast type for your broadcast that will be sent as part of this template. Broadcast Types are covered in another lesson on this site.

Choose Your List(s):

Select the list or lists to which you will be sending the broadcast included with this template.  Note that in order to create a template, you must already have lists created and saved. There are no lists available in this example, so we'd need to create and save lists before we could continue.

Choose The Appropriate Message:

Choose the appropriate message to be sent as part of the broadcast associated with this template.  

Note that the same as with lists, your message must already be created and saved before you can include it in a template. We have no saved messages in this example, and would need to create and save a message before we could continue with the template.


Save Your Template:

Once you've given your broadcast template a name, chosen your type, picked your list(s), and picked the correct message, save your template by clicking Save in the lower left.
Create New Template.jpg


Using your Saved broadcast template


Once a template is saved, you can start it from your Dashboard without having to go back to the Broadcast Tab and Templates. You don't even need to click New Broadcast, as Broadcast Templates have their own section below the New Broadcast button, as seen here.

Click on the template you wish to send. It will start a new broadcast, automatically giving it the subject of your template name, setting the type to whatever you chose when you created the template, and adding your selected recipients.

Click Continue to move to the second step, where the template will automatically load the message you chose when creating the template.

Click Continue one more time, and you'll be on the Review screen. Double-check that your recipient count seems correct, and click Send Now in the lower right.


Use Saved Template.jpg




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This article will help you understand how to create and send a broadcast template in SchoolMessenger Communicate.


Video on Creating and Using Broadcast Templates in SchoolMessenger Communicate



Creating a template for use in SchoolMessenger Communicate


To get started creating a broadcast template, click on the Broadcast Tab in the upper left, then choose Templates underneath that.


Creating Template.jpg


Adding a new broadcast template


Once under the Templates section, click Add New Template to the right.


Add New Template.jpg


Creating your new template


Name Your Template:

Give your template a descriptive name, so you'll be able to tell at a glance which broadcast it is sending and to what list.

Choosing a Broadcast Type:

Pick the most appropriate broadcast type for your broadcast that will be sent as part of this template. Broadcast Types are covered in another lesson on this site.

Choose Your List(s):

Select the list or lists to which you will be sending the broadcast included with this template.  Note that in order to create a template, you must already have lists created and saved. There are no lists available in this example, so we'd need to create and save lists before we could continue.

Choose The Appropriate Message:

Choose the appropriate message to be sent as part of the broadcast associated with this template.  

Note that the same as with lists, your message must already be created and saved before you can include it in a template. We have no saved messages in this example, and would need to create and save a message before we could continue with the template.


Save Your Template:

Once you've given your broadcast template a name, chosen your type, picked your list(s), and picked the correct message, save your template by clicking Save in the lower left.
Create New Template.jpg


Using your Saved broadcast template


Once a template is saved, you can start it from your Dashboard without having to go back to the Broadcast Tab and Templates. You don't even need to click New Broadcast, as Broadcast Templates have their own section below the New Broadcast button, as seen here.

Click on the template you wish to send. It will start a new broadcast, automatically giving it the subject of your template name, setting the type to whatever you chose when you created the template, and adding your selected recipients.

Click Continue to move to the second step, where the template will automatically load the message you chose when creating the template.

Click Continue one more time, and you'll be on the Review screen. Double-check that your recipient count seems correct, and click Send Now in the lower right.


Use Saved Template.jpg




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‎04-18-2024 07:41 AM
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