Video: Uploading Lists Using Contact Data or ID Numbers


For this article, you will understand how to create and save an uploaded list when using the Message Sender in SchoolMessenger Communicate.


Video on Uploading Lists Using Contact Data or ID Numbers


Choosing Upload List as a list creation option.


Once you have entered your broadcast subject and chosen your broadcast type, click Add Message Recipients. Under that pull-down, choose Upload List.


Upload List.jpg


Selecting Contact Data as Your Upload Option


Contact Data is the option you'll select when your spreadsheet -- which must be in CSV file format -- does not contain ID information for your recipients. A simple spreadsheet of first name, last name, phone number, and email will work as Contact Data, for example.


Your recipients do not have to be in your student information system or employee database.


Upload by contact.png


Checking Your Contact Data Upload


Header Information:

If your spreadsheet does not contain the data in the order the system expects it to appear by default, you can adjust these headers to match the appropriate data. For example, if you had phone numbers in the third column, you'd use the pull-down the change the header to Phone 1.


Creating Your Recipient List:

When your spreadsheet looks correct and your headers match the column information, choose "Add Selected Recipients" in the lower right.


Creating List.jpg


Selecting ID# Lookup as Your Upload Option


Choose this option if your spreadsheet of recipients includes the ID number for each recipient. 

Note two things that must be true for this to work. 

First, the ID number must be in the first column, one per row.  You can have other information in the spreadsheet, or just the ID number itself. 

Second, the ID number in the spreadsheet has to be the same ID number as we receive in the data import. 


Upload by ID.png


Checking Your ID# Upload


Here you'll see the results of your upload. For any results in the Unmatched IDs field, check to be certain the ID number for that person is the same as the ID used in SchoolMessenger Communicate. Some student information systems have more than one ID, and the ID in your spreadsheet must match the ID in our system. 


Unmatched ID#s:

This row will show any and all ID numbers in the CSV file which do not match any person in our system. You'll want to double check that the ID in your spreadsheet matches the ID we have for everyone in your file.


Matched ID#s:

This will show the ID number, first name, and last name of any ID in your CSV file for which our system finds a match.  You can check here to make certain you are pulling the information for the expected recipients.


Create Your ID# Lookup List

Once you have your list as you wish, click Add Selected Recipients in the lower right to create your list.

Add List.png


Saving Your Uploaded List


To save your list for future use, click the save button, the up arrow into the cloud icon. You can rename the list to something other than Uploaded List to make it easier to identify in the future.

Save List.jpg




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For this article, you will understand how to create and save an uploaded list when using the Message Sender in SchoolMessenger Communicate.


Video on Uploading Lists Using Contact Data or ID Numbers


Choosing Upload List as a list creation option.


Once you have entered your broadcast subject and chosen your broadcast type, click Add Message Recipients. Under that pull-down, choose Upload List.


Upload List.jpg


Selecting Contact Data as Your Upload Option


Contact Data is the option you'll select when your spreadsheet -- which must be in CSV file format -- does not contain ID information for your recipients. A simple spreadsheet of first name, last name, phone number, and email will work as Contact Data, for example.


Your recipients do not have to be in your student information system or employee database.


Upload by contact.png


Checking Your Contact Data Upload


Header Information:

If your spreadsheet does not contain the data in the order the system expects it to appear by default, you can adjust these headers to match the appropriate data. For example, if you had phone numbers in the third column, you'd use the pull-down the change the header to Phone 1.


Creating Your Recipient List:

When your spreadsheet looks correct and your headers match the column information, choose "Add Selected Recipients" in the lower right.


Creating List.jpg


Selecting ID# Lookup as Your Upload Option


Choose this option if your spreadsheet of recipients includes the ID number for each recipient. 

Note two things that must be true for this to work. 

First, the ID number must be in the first column, one per row.  You can have other information in the spreadsheet, or just the ID number itself. 

Second, the ID number in the spreadsheet has to be the same ID number as we receive in the data import. 


Upload by ID.png


Checking Your ID# Upload


Here you'll see the results of your upload. For any results in the Unmatched IDs field, check to be certain the ID number for that person is the same as the ID used in SchoolMessenger Communicate. Some student information systems have more than one ID, and the ID in your spreadsheet must match the ID in our system. 


Unmatched ID#s:

This row will show any and all ID numbers in the CSV file which do not match any person in our system. You'll want to double check that the ID in your spreadsheet matches the ID we have for everyone in your file.


Matched ID#s:

This will show the ID number, first name, and last name of any ID in your CSV file for which our system finds a match.  You can check here to make certain you are pulling the information for the expected recipients.


Create Your ID# Lookup List

Once you have your list as you wish, click Add Selected Recipients in the lower right to create your list.

Add List.png


Saving Your Uploaded List


To save your list for future use, click the save button, the up arrow into the cloud icon. You can rename the list to something other than Uploaded List to make it easier to identify in the future.

Save List.jpg




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For this article, you will understand how to create and save an uploaded list when using the Message Sender in SchoolMessenger Communicate.


Video on Uploading Lists Using Contact Data or ID Numbers


Choosing Upload List as a list creation option.


Once you have entered your broadcast subject and chosen your broadcast type, click Add Message Recipients. Under that pull-down, choose Upload List.


Upload List.jpg


Selecting Contact Data as Your Upload Option


Contact Data is the option you'll select when your spreadsheet -- which must be in CSV file format -- does not contain ID information for your recipients. A simple spreadsheet of first name, last name, phone number, and email will work as Contact Data, for example.


Your recipients do not have to be in your student information system or employee database.


Upload by contact.png


Checking Your Contact Data Upload


Header Information:

If your spreadsheet does not contain the data in the order the system expects it to appear by default, you can adjust these headers to match the appropriate data. For example, if you had phone numbers in the third column, you'd use the pull-down the change the header to Phone 1.


Creating Your Recipient List:

When your spreadsheet looks correct and your headers match the column information, choose "Add Selected Recipients" in the lower right.


Creating List.jpg


Selecting ID# Lookup as Your Upload Option


Choose this option if your spreadsheet of recipients includes the ID number for each recipient. 

Note two things that must be true for this to work. 

First, the ID number must be in the first column, one per row.  You can have other information in the spreadsheet, or just the ID number itself. 

Second, the ID number in the spreadsheet has to be the same ID number as we receive in the data import. 


Upload by ID.png


Checking Your ID# Upload


Here you'll see the results of your upload. For any results in the Unmatched IDs field, check to be certain the ID number for that person is the same as the ID used in SchoolMessenger Communicate. Some student information systems have more than one ID, and the ID in your spreadsheet must match the ID in our system. 


Unmatched ID#s:

This row will show any and all ID numbers in the CSV file which do not match any person in our system. You'll want to double check that the ID in your spreadsheet matches the ID we have for everyone in your file.


Matched ID#s:

This will show the ID number, first name, and last name of any ID in your CSV file for which our system finds a match.  You can check here to make certain you are pulling the information for the expected recipients.


Create Your ID# Lookup List

Once you have your list as you wish, click Add Selected Recipients in the lower right to create your list.

Add List.png


Saving Your Uploaded List


To save your list for future use, click the save button, the up arrow into the cloud icon. You can rename the list to something other than Uploaded List to make it easier to identify in the future.

Save List.jpg




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‎04-16-2024 09:20 AM
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