QuickDoc: SchoolMessenger Use Cases

SchoolMessenger can be deployed in a variety of different contexts. Refer to the examples below for suggested use cases.


Academic Contexts

  • Progress report call outs

  • Homework & test reminders

  • Report-card mailing announcements

  • Honor Roll announcements

  • Registration notices

  • College Night reminders

Community Involvement Contexts

  • Congratulatory messages

  • Immunization reminders

  • Open House / Back to School invitations

  • PTO & PTA reminders & invites

  • Athletic, band, drama and other group announcements

  • Picture Day reminders

  • Field trip reminders

  • Bond/Levy Vote reminders

Disciplinary Contexts

  • Attendance notifications

  • Tardy notifications

  • Wake-up calls ("Tardy Club")

  • Detention reminders

  • Meeting reminders

  • Overdue obligation reminders

Safety and Logistics Contexts

  • Snow day announcements

  • Emergency broadcasts

  • School closures


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SchoolMessenger can be deployed in a variety of different contexts. Refer to the examples below for suggested use cases.


Academic Contexts

  • Progress report call outs

  • Homework & test reminders

  • Report-card mailing announcements

  • Honor Roll announcements

  • Registration notices

  • College Night reminders

Community Involvement Contexts

  • Congratulatory messages

  • Immunization reminders

  • Open House / Back to School invitations

  • PTO & PTA reminders & invites

  • Athletic, band, drama and other group announcements

  • Picture Day reminders

  • Field trip reminders

  • Bond/Levy Vote reminders

Disciplinary Contexts

  • Attendance notifications

  • Tardy notifications

  • Wake-up calls ("Tardy Club")

  • Detention reminders

  • Meeting reminders

  • Overdue obligation reminders

Safety and Logistics Contexts

  • Snow day announcements

  • Emergency broadcasts

  • School closures


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  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.

SchoolMessenger can be deployed in a variety of different contexts. Refer to the examples below for suggested use cases.


Academic Contexts

  • Progress report call outs

  • Homework & test reminders

  • Report-card mailing announcements

  • Honor Roll announcements

  • Registration notices

  • College Night reminders

Community Involvement Contexts

  • Congratulatory messages

  • Immunization reminders

  • Open House / Back to School invitations

  • PTO & PTA reminders & invites

  • Athletic, band, drama and other group announcements

  • Picture Day reminders

  • Field trip reminders

  • Bond/Levy Vote reminders

Disciplinary Contexts

  • Attendance notifications

  • Tardy notifications

  • Wake-up calls ("Tardy Club")

  • Detention reminders

  • Meeting reminders

  • Overdue obligation reminders

Safety and Logistics Contexts

  • Snow day announcements

  • Emergency broadcasts

  • School closures


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  • Kudo this article if you found it helpful. It will help others find this resource.
  • Comment directly on this article to request clarification or share feedback about the content of the article.
  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.
Version history
Last update:
‎05-08-2024 01:16 PM
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