
Need help with a Schoology sandbox


Need help with a Schoology sandbox



I work for a company, Cignition, that offers online tutoring services for various school districts.  I have successfully integrated with Clever and Classlink for doing rostering (importing) of students from their school districts into our platform and also allowing those students to SSO into our Cignition Tutoring webapp from their Clever or Classlink dashboards.


We now need to integrate with Schoology since we have some new school districts that prefer to use Schoology. With Clever and Classlink, getting a vendor portal account and getting a development sandbox setup to do the integration using the Clever APIs or the Classlink APIs was straight-forward and relatively quick to accomplish.  We also received almost instantaneous responses by email or by setting up Zoom meetings to get through some of the initial technical hurdles in setting up the portal accounts and the associated sandboxes.


But with Schoology (now owned by PowerSchool), the experience has been very frustrating ... I am simply trying to get someone - ANYONE - who is technical that I can work with for just a couple of hours to get the equivalent vendor portal account setup and its associated sandbox so I can then do the same kind of integration with Schoology that has already been done previous with both Clever and Classlink.


Can anyone help me get this assistance? I have found the process of trying to get started extremely frustrating and yes - I have sent off an email to - but have received NO replies from anyone there.  Is there some kind of technical support PHONE NUMBER that I can call to talk to someone? It seems like there's this large black hole that exists and I'd like to find some way to break through to a knowledgeable technical person who can help explain the process for getting our vendor portal and associated development sandbox setup ASAP.


Thank you in advance for ANY help that can be provided,

Steve Rosen

1 Reply
PowerSchool Team
PowerSchool Team

Hi @steverosen-cignition,


Apologies for the delay in providing a response back.  While I encourage others to share their experiences around this topic, I would like to share the link to Schoology Developer here so that you can find more information from there as well.  If you are working for a district, we recommend working with the Customer Success Manager or Account owner to elevate this for you. 

PowerSchool Community Support Expert

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