Video: System Admin - Reports Tab


The Reports Tab allows System Admin to design customize reports and enter report recipients. You will manage this information easily.



Reports tab mainly is the list of report recipients.

System Admin can customize reports and add report recipients on the Reports Tab.


Reports Tab.PNG



  1. Reports Tab

    • Design Custom Reports and Manage Report Recipients.
    • NOTE: End Users can enter their information (name & email) to receive reports too.

  2. Customize

    • Design custom report using three sort levels.
    • You can sort by (up to 3 levels from these options):
      • Student ID

      • Grade

      • Home Room

      • Student Name

      • Reported/Marked Time

      • Start Date

      • Absence Type


  3. Add a recipient.

    • Add recipient individually by electing School they are associated with, recipient name & Email Address.

  4. Import Report Recipients.

    • Upload CSV of report recipients by:
      • Matching school names
      • Matching school codes
    • When importing you can:
      • Keep current report recipients and add new recipients.
      • Delete current recipients and add new recipients on CSV.


Video Explaining the Reports Tab for System Admin



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The Reports Tab allows System Admin to design customize reports and enter report recipients. You will manage this information easily.



Reports tab mainly is the list of report recipients.

System Admin can customize reports and add report recipients on the Reports Tab.


Reports Tab.PNG



  1. Reports Tab

    • Design Custom Reports and Manage Report Recipients.
    • NOTE: End Users can enter their information (name & email) to receive reports too.

  2. Customize

    • Design custom report using three sort levels.
    • You can sort by (up to 3 levels from these options):
      • Student ID

      • Grade

      • Home Room

      • Student Name

      • Reported/Marked Time

      • Start Date

      • Absence Type


  3. Add a recipient.

    • Add recipient individually by electing School they are associated with, recipient name & Email Address.

  4. Import Report Recipients.

    • Upload CSV of report recipients by:
      • Matching school names
      • Matching school codes
    • When importing you can:
      • Keep current report recipients and add new recipients.
      • Delete current recipients and add new recipients on CSV.


Video Explaining the Reports Tab for System Admin



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The Reports Tab allows System Admin to design customize reports and enter report recipients. You will manage this information easily.



Reports tab mainly is the list of report recipients.

System Admin can customize reports and add report recipients on the Reports Tab.


Reports Tab.PNG



  1. Reports Tab

    • Design Custom Reports and Manage Report Recipients.
    • NOTE: End Users can enter their information (name & email) to receive reports too.

  2. Customize

    • Design custom report using three sort levels.
    • You can sort by (up to 3 levels from these options):
      • Student ID

      • Grade

      • Home Room

      • Student Name

      • Reported/Marked Time

      • Start Date

      • Absence Type


  3. Add a recipient.

    • Add recipient individually by electing School they are associated with, recipient name & Email Address.

  4. Import Report Recipients.

    • Upload CSV of report recipients by:
      • Matching school names
      • Matching school codes
    • When importing you can:
      • Keep current report recipients and add new recipients.
      • Delete current recipients and add new recipients on CSV.


Video Explaining the Reports Tab for System Admin



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  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.
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Last update:
‎04-17-2024 04:32 PM
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