Video: Managing Recipient and User Data Imports


SchoolMessenger Communicate can import data from student information systems, employee databases, and other sources.


Video explaining Managing Recipient and User Data Imports



What are Imports?


Imports are System Data.

SchoolMessenger Communicate can bring in data from student information systems, employee databases, and other sources. That data is available to users systemwide, subject to limitations on their accounts set by System Administrators. Imports themselves are usually only visible to System Administrators.



Lists are individual user recipient groups.

Lists are typically (although not always) built by users using the data in the imports. For example, a user may need a list of students in a particular grade. The import has all the district students. The list created by the user is a subset of the import data, in this case one grade level. This is just a single example.  With rare exceptions, any user can create a list. You send broadcasts using lists, which as stated above, are usually built from the data contained in the imports. 



Let's take a look at how to manage your imports.


Imports Option.PNG


  • Click on the Admin Tab

    • Only System Administrators will generally have access to this tab. If you do not see the tab and believe you should, please check with another local administrator to see if your permissions are set correctly.
  • The Imports Button

    • Under Admin, select the Imports button to get to the Imports page.


Imports Page.PNG


  1. The Description

    • This area will usually indicate if your data imports are automated, or must be run manually. If a time is listed, the data will automatically be imported. If the word Manual appears here, an Administrator must manually upload the data.
    • Please check with Support for more information regarding how to manually upload your data.

  2. The Method

    • This was set for you when the import was created and should not be modified.
  3. The Last Run Button

    • This indicates the exact date and time the data changes were applied to your system. If your imports are automated, you need only check this date periodically to be certain the files are uploading as they should. 
    • If you update manually, this date will change when you select "Submit and Run Now".

  4. The File Date Button

    • This indicates the exact date and time a file as last uploaded to the system.
    • NOTE: A file can be uploaded and yet not "run". In that case, it means the data was brought into the system, but the changes were not applied. If the file date and Last Run times do not match within a minute, contact Support.



Actions Option.PNG


  1. The Actions Section

    • These are actions that can be taken on the Import. Unless you are manually uploading an Import, there is little reason to ever use anything in this section, unless instructed to do so by Support.

  2. The Upload Button

    • This will typically only be used if you need to manually upload your Import.  If you need assistance with a manual upload, please contact Support.

  3. The Delete Button

    • Import data will automatically refresh each time new data is imported.  Should the previous data be corrupt or incomplete, a new Import will overwrite that with fresh, accurate data. In the case of automated Imports, this occurs on a regular schedule. There is no need to delete an Import and "start over", because the data fixes itself. In fact, deleting Imports can cause orphaned records and other issues that are quite time consuming to repair. Unless instructed to do so by Support, do not delete imports.


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SchoolMessenger Communicate can import data from student information systems, employee databases, and other sources.


Video explaining Managing Recipient and User Data Imports



What are Imports?


Imports are System Data.

SchoolMessenger Communicate can bring in data from student information systems, employee databases, and other sources. That data is available to users systemwide, subject to limitations on their accounts set by System Administrators. Imports themselves are usually only visible to System Administrators.



Lists are individual user recipient groups.

Lists are typically (although not always) built by users using the data in the imports. For example, a user may need a list of students in a particular grade. The import has all the district students. The list created by the user is a subset of the import data, in this case one grade level. This is just a single example.  With rare exceptions, any user can create a list. You send broadcasts using lists, which as stated above, are usually built from the data contained in the imports. 



Let's take a look at how to manage your imports.


Imports Option.PNG


  • Click on the Admin Tab

    • Only System Administrators will generally have access to this tab. If you do not see the tab and believe you should, please check with another local administrator to see if your permissions are set correctly.
  • The Imports Button

    • Under Admin, select the Imports button to get to the Imports page.


Imports Page.PNG


  1. The Description

    • This area will usually indicate if your data imports are automated, or must be run manually. If a time is listed, the data will automatically be imported. If the word Manual appears here, an Administrator must manually upload the data.
    • Please check with Support for more information regarding how to manually upload your data.

  2. The Method

    • This was set for you when the import was created and should not be modified.
  3. The Last Run Button

    • This indicates the exact date and time the data changes were applied to your system. If your imports are automated, you need only check this date periodically to be certain the files are uploading as they should. 
    • If you update manually, this date will change when you select "Submit and Run Now".

  4. The File Date Button

    • This indicates the exact date and time a file as last uploaded to the system.
    • NOTE: A file can be uploaded and yet not "run". In that case, it means the data was brought into the system, but the changes were not applied. If the file date and Last Run times do not match within a minute, contact Support.



Actions Option.PNG


  1. The Actions Section

    • These are actions that can be taken on the Import. Unless you are manually uploading an Import, there is little reason to ever use anything in this section, unless instructed to do so by Support.

  2. The Upload Button

    • This will typically only be used if you need to manually upload your Import.  If you need assistance with a manual upload, please contact Support.

  3. The Delete Button

    • Import data will automatically refresh each time new data is imported.  Should the previous data be corrupt or incomplete, a new Import will overwrite that with fresh, accurate data. In the case of automated Imports, this occurs on a regular schedule. There is no need to delete an Import and "start over", because the data fixes itself. In fact, deleting Imports can cause orphaned records and other issues that are quite time consuming to repair. Unless instructed to do so by Support, do not delete imports.


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SchoolMessenger Communicate can import data from student information systems, employee databases, and other sources.


Video explaining Managing Recipient and User Data Imports



What are Imports?


Imports are System Data.

SchoolMessenger Communicate can bring in data from student information systems, employee databases, and other sources. That data is available to users systemwide, subject to limitations on their accounts set by System Administrators. Imports themselves are usually only visible to System Administrators.



Lists are individual user recipient groups.

Lists are typically (although not always) built by users using the data in the imports. For example, a user may need a list of students in a particular grade. The import has all the district students. The list created by the user is a subset of the import data, in this case one grade level. This is just a single example.  With rare exceptions, any user can create a list. You send broadcasts using lists, which as stated above, are usually built from the data contained in the imports. 



Let's take a look at how to manage your imports.


Imports Option.PNG


  • Click on the Admin Tab

    • Only System Administrators will generally have access to this tab. If you do not see the tab and believe you should, please check with another local administrator to see if your permissions are set correctly.
  • The Imports Button

    • Under Admin, select the Imports button to get to the Imports page.


Imports Page.PNG


  1. The Description

    • This area will usually indicate if your data imports are automated, or must be run manually. If a time is listed, the data will automatically be imported. If the word Manual appears here, an Administrator must manually upload the data.
    • Please check with Support for more information regarding how to manually upload your data.

  2. The Method

    • This was set for you when the import was created and should not be modified.
  3. The Last Run Button

    • This indicates the exact date and time the data changes were applied to your system. If your imports are automated, you need only check this date periodically to be certain the files are uploading as they should. 
    • If you update manually, this date will change when you select "Submit and Run Now".

  4. The File Date Button

    • This indicates the exact date and time a file as last uploaded to the system.
    • NOTE: A file can be uploaded and yet not "run". In that case, it means the data was brought into the system, but the changes were not applied. If the file date and Last Run times do not match within a minute, contact Support.



Actions Option.PNG


  1. The Actions Section

    • These are actions that can be taken on the Import. Unless you are manually uploading an Import, there is little reason to ever use anything in this section, unless instructed to do so by Support.

  2. The Upload Button

    • This will typically only be used if you need to manually upload your Import.  If you need assistance with a manual upload, please contact Support.

  3. The Delete Button

    • Import data will automatically refresh each time new data is imported.  Should the previous data be corrupt or incomplete, a new Import will overwrite that with fresh, accurate data. In the case of automated Imports, this occurs on a regular schedule. There is no need to delete an Import and "start over", because the data fixes itself. In fact, deleting Imports can cause orphaned records and other issues that are quite time consuming to repair. Unless instructed to do so by Support, do not delete imports.


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‎04-22-2024 09:24 AM
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