QuickDoc: Email Delivery in SchoolMessenger Communicate

SchoolMessenger Communicate includes reporting features that allow you to monitor email delivery status. This resource includes information about potential Delivery Status results, which are detailed in the following table:



Delivery Status




The email address the system was trying to contact is on the Blocked Email list.


We were unable to deliver the email to the recipient's email address due to some problem with the recipient's email service provider.


After sending an initial message, the system will flag an email address as Duplicate if it is encountered again in the same Broadcast.


We were unable to deliver an email to this recipient's email address because it is invalid.

No Email Selected

The recipient's email address was not associated with the Broadcast type. For example, if a recipient's email address were associated only with emergency Broadcasts and not general notifications, a general notification with an email message component and a list including the recipient would result in No Email Selected.

Soft Bounced

Our attempts to deliver the email to this recipient have failed so far, but we're still trying. This can happen if the recipient's inbox is full or if there is some temporary problem with their email server.


The email hasn't been sent to the recipient yet.


The email has been sent to the recipient's email address, but we haven't received any more information from the recipient’s email server yet. Many emails with a status of sent may actually be successfully delivered but since we have not received confirmation from the recipient’s mail server, we categorize it as sent.


We have received confirmation from the recipient’s email server that the email was successfully delivered.


The email was opened by the recipient. You can use this result to determine how many recipients are interacting with your email broadcasts.




For further information, please refer to the SchoolMessenger resource on PowerSchool Help.



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SchoolMessenger Communicate includes reporting features that allow you to monitor email delivery status. This resource includes information about potential Delivery Status results, which are detailed in the following table:



Delivery Status




The email address the system was trying to contact is on the Blocked Email list.


We were unable to deliver the email to the recipient's email address due to some problem with the recipient's email service provider.


After sending an initial message, the system will flag an email address as Duplicate if it is encountered again in the same Broadcast.


We were unable to deliver an email to this recipient's email address because it is invalid.

No Email Selected

The recipient's email address was not associated with the Broadcast type. For example, if a recipient's email address were associated only with emergency Broadcasts and not general notifications, a general notification with an email message component and a list including the recipient would result in No Email Selected.

Soft Bounced

Our attempts to deliver the email to this recipient have failed so far, but we're still trying. This can happen if the recipient's inbox is full or if there is some temporary problem with their email server.


The email hasn't been sent to the recipient yet.


The email has been sent to the recipient's email address, but we haven't received any more information from the recipient’s email server yet. Many emails with a status of sent may actually be successfully delivered but since we have not received confirmation from the recipient’s mail server, we categorize it as sent.


We have received confirmation from the recipient’s email server that the email was successfully delivered.


The email was opened by the recipient. You can use this result to determine how many recipients are interacting with your email broadcasts.




For further information, please refer to the SchoolMessenger resource on PowerSchool Help.



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SchoolMessenger Communicate includes reporting features that allow you to monitor email delivery status. This resource includes information about potential Delivery Status results, which are detailed in the following table:



Delivery Status




The email address the system was trying to contact is on the Blocked Email list.


We were unable to deliver the email to the recipient's email address due to some problem with the recipient's email service provider.


After sending an initial message, the system will flag an email address as Duplicate if it is encountered again in the same Broadcast.


We were unable to deliver an email to this recipient's email address because it is invalid.

No Email Selected

The recipient's email address was not associated with the Broadcast type. For example, if a recipient's email address were associated only with emergency Broadcasts and not general notifications, a general notification with an email message component and a list including the recipient would result in No Email Selected.

Soft Bounced

Our attempts to deliver the email to this recipient have failed so far, but we're still trying. This can happen if the recipient's inbox is full or if there is some temporary problem with their email server.


The email hasn't been sent to the recipient yet.


The email has been sent to the recipient's email address, but we haven't received any more information from the recipient’s email server yet. Many emails with a status of sent may actually be successfully delivered but since we have not received confirmation from the recipient’s mail server, we categorize it as sent.


We have received confirmation from the recipient’s email server that the email was successfully delivered.


The email was opened by the recipient. You can use this result to determine how many recipients are interacting with your email broadcasts.




For further information, please refer to the SchoolMessenger resource on PowerSchool Help.



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Last update:
‎05-21-2024 01:35 PM
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