Important Changes Required for Email Deliverability


Important Changes Required for Email Deliverability

A comment from KB article: Important Changes Required for Email Deliverability


Is this something that ALL users of School Messenger have to follow or is this only if we received this message directly from PowerSchool/School Msgr?  I did not receive this as the admin of our School Messenger.

Franklin Public Schools
District Communications Specialist
72 Replies

Google makes it easy to see the SPF, DKIM, and DMARC alignment/results.  If not able to send to a address, then it's a bit more difficult.  You have to gather up the email headers (normally hidden by mail clients) by "Show Original" or "View Source" in your mail client.  The headers are the top part of the email all the way down until the first blank/empty line where the body starts.

Copy/paste the headers into and it will show you the pass and alignment results.  Hope this helps.


Hello again and thank you for your response.


We sent a test message from SchoolMessenger to my Workspace account last night and as you suspected DKIM fails as it is coming from instead of Before Feb. 1st PowerSchool reported we were good to go but like many it seems they have missed a step.


I did open a ticket yesterday referencing this thread in hopes it would help PowerSchool understand their error. No feedback as of yet.


I will keep you posted.


Thank you again for your time and efforts in trying to help PowerSchool come to a conclusion on an issue on their end.


FYI, I am seeing more customer domains with SPF alignment in my DMARC feedback reports from SM mail hosted on  This is an improvement but still not taking advantage of the DKIM signing with alignment until SM "flips the switch" for you and then the From address is updated to your own school/district domain.

Both SPF and DKIM passing with alignment is the goal for the best possible delivery, least recipient confusion, and the best chance to not land in the Junk/Spam folder. 


I am confused as to what to do. there are many abbreviations which sound technical or specific.


Sorry about that.  This is a complicated and very technical issue.  Don't feel bad.  Most experienced enterprise mail admins don't understand it either.  Here is a good article if you are interested in learning more:


If you provide your school/district domain name, I can check the DNS records and tell you what to do next.


If you provide your school/district domain name, I can check the DNS records and tell you what to do next.


Hello all I just wanted to leave an update to what we found here at LCSD2.


Messages from SchoolMessenger were failing DKIM until they updated the envelope from value to be correct for our domain. After that massages to external addresses were passing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. However when these SchoolMessenger messages were sent to a LCSD2 address DKIM failed again.


After digging we finally realized our email threat protection platform Zix was breaking DKIM due to two security features. First Zix has a link rewriting feature which will break DKIM as it modifies the body of the message. This required "*" to be whitelisted in the link rewriting feature. Additionally we had to white list the SchoolMessenger IPs for the domain spoofing protection. As this would trigger the subject to be tagged [CAUTION SPOOFING] which also breaks DKIM validation.


I won't use his full name but a ZJ w/ SchoolMessenger support knows what he is doing and is great to work with.


Hope this helps anyone else still having issues with the new SPF, DKIM, & DMARC needs.


Yeh.  ZJ is great.  I helped him understand the need/urgency to get the DKIM signing happening as the customer's domain.  He is relaying the need on to the developers.


DMARC is only going to become more and more important as Google, Office 365, Yahoo, and other major (high volume) players take it more seriously to help with spoofing.  SPF is easy and been around a long time but breaks with autoforwarding, so DKIM signing as the customer domain and passing is critical for the future of mass mailing platforms like SchoolMessenger/Powerschool. 


Hi @dajones70 - thank you for helping get this process going. Last week ZJ updated the envelope signer(?) from "" to "" and messages to external addresses were good. It took an epiphany on what DKIM actually does, some extra digging on Zix, and a call w/ ZJ to get it resolved for internal addresses.


This has helped me have more ideas on a few other email related issues we are also facing.


Thank you for your help earlier as well. You were critical on getting us on the right path!