After a student is approved from the Enrollment Express administrative dashboard, an automated email message is sent to the parent user to inform them that they can continue the process. This email also provides the next set of instructions from the district to the parent, a link to the parent portal, and the information needed to link the student account to the parent’s account.
Parent Form Responders
When the article contains steps for achieving a certain end, you may want a process area. It should begin by saying what the process is meant to do.
How to know that the process is complete, or the general action to take afterward.
Still Not Working?
Contact the district directly to ensure that your student’s record has been approved.
After a student is approved from the Enrollment Express administrative dashboard, an automated email message is sent to the parent user to inform them that they can continue the process. This email also provides the next set of instructions from the district to the parent, a link to the parent portal, and the information needed to link the student account to the parent’s account.
Parent Form Responders
When the article contains steps for achieving a certain end, you may want a process area. It should begin by saying what the process is meant to do.
How to know that the process is complete, or the general action to take afterward.
Still Not Working?
Contact the district directly to ensure that your student’s record has been approved.
After a student is approved from the Enrollment Express administrative dashboard, an automated email message is sent to the parent user to inform them that they can continue the process. This email also provides the next set of instructions from the district to the parent, a link to the parent portal, and the information needed to link the student account to the parent’s account.
Parent Form Responders
When the article contains steps for achieving a certain end, you may want a process area. It should begin by saying what the process is meant to do.
How to know that the process is complete, or the general action to take afterward.
Still Not Working?
Contact the district directly to ensure that your student’s record has been approved.