
Report card, enrollment, and moving to the next grade


Report card, enrollment, and moving to the next grade

Hello, this maybe an odd question and maybe only my child does this, but I keep getting told that my 3rd grader’s report card has came in but when I ask my son about this he never has it or doesn’t know where it is! So my question is, if there a way to look up children’s report cards? Next question, most of my son’s school work do not have good grades even a lot of F, the school told me that I had to register him for the next school year, it shows that the next grade level, is this a for sure thing or could he still be held back?
1 Reply
PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

If you have a Parent Portal account, you should be able to see your child's grades in real-time, even if it isn't in a "report card" format.


Your second question is for your child's school, not a Community Forum on the Internet.



Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool