





I have a question regarding attendance.  Currently our school is set up to take Daily Attendance during P2 and this is what is reported to our State for Reporting purposes.  However my question is this.  We may get phone calls from parents that a student is out which would be an Unexcused Absence or we get a student that is ill and maybe out for several days with a Dr note and this would be an Excused Absence.  The problem is if we enter the Attendance Code under Daily Attendance it does not sync over to Meeting Attendance.  Is this because Daily Attendance is only linked to one period?   Is there a way to get it to sync over to Meeting Attendance for all periods for that student?


8 Replies


this is under the Attendance Preferences

When using both Meeting and Daily attendance modes, this setting allows you to synchronize attendance records based on a bridge period (which would be your period 2). You can define a bridge period in each bell schedule. To create and synchronize Daily attendance records based on the bridge period, select One-Way. To keep the corresponding meeting attendance record synchronized whenever a change is made to a daily attendance record, select Two-Way.


Hope this helps




Thank you.  So if we want the attendance code that is put in for Daily Attendance to also be reflected in the students Meeting Attendance we should select Two-Way?   Is that correct?  I just want to be sure I am understanding it correctly.  If a change was made in Meeting Attendance would that do anything to our Daily Attendance?



yes.. Once Daily attendance is changed by on the admin side by the office it overwrites the teacher meeting attendance.  But they cannot overwrite Daily done by the office or whomever 


Don't forget to edit all your bell schedule with the bridge (attendance) period.  see below.  Only the bridge period needs all fields filled out








Thank You so much for your help!   I have one other question.  I sent a screenshot below....does this mean that Teachers can go into their PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook and adjust Meeting Attendance 5 days prior to the current date?  Our teachers are saying that once the day ends that they cannot go into their gradebooks to adjust their attendance so I was just wondering what this meant. 





Yes.   Have a great Holiday!


Thank you so much!!!   Happy Holidays to you too!!!


So teachers can go back to say Friday of last week and change the attendance on a student correct?  Can I just ask one more thing regarding the Daily & Meeting Attendance.  If we set it up so that the Daily will reflect in Meeting Attendance if a student comes in Tardy P1 but gets dismissed P5 we update the Daily Attendance to reflect a dismissal will that erase the Tardy for P1 and just show the student as dismissed for all Meeting Attendance?   Does this make sense?


yes.   we have a code LLABS (late left early - absent) LLPRES (late left early - Present) depending on the amount of hours attended and you could also put in the times in the comments to help or if you are using the clock in / clock out times.  If you are making changes today you will probably need to wait until tomorrow for all things to sync. Hope that helps