Sent 8/7/2018 - Alabama SETS Service Build Deployed

PowerSchool Team
PowerSchool Team

Sent 8/7/2018 - Alabama SETS Service Build Deployed

A SETS service build has been deployed to address the following:


  • Corrects issue where State User was unable to log in to SETS at districts for monitoring. 

For PowerSchool-hosted (Azure) schools and districts, the service build was deployed during the evening of Monday, August 6, 2018, and no action is required. For schools or districts that host their own data, installation instructions are provided below. 

Notes for self-hosted schools and districts: Before proceeding with the installation, please reference the following:


  1. If multiple app servers are used (e.g. in a load-balanced environment), the update only needs to be applied to one server. 
  2. Ensure you have a current working backup of your database.
  3. All users should be logged out of both InformationNOW and SETS before the installation is performed.
  4. Users are advised to ensure that the INOW Summer 2018 Maintenance Release v8.0.15.24694 has been installed before installation.

Installation Instructions for Self-Hosted Users


  • Click here to download the cumulative update install file. Note: PowerSource login is required. If you do not have a login and need to access this file, or if you encounter any issues accessing the file, please contact your Technical Support Engineer. 
  • Download and save the file. Extract the .exe file contained within the .zip to your Service Build folder on the SETSWEB server; e.g., to C:\ProgramFiles\STIApplications\STI.SETS.ServiceBuild.Launcher\ServiceBuildsDo not execute the file.

All users should be logged out of both InformationNOW and SETS before this installation file is run.


  • Open the Service Build launcher application on the SETSWEB application server, under Start | All Programs | STIApplications | SETS (Web) Service Build Launcher - right-click and select to Run as Administrator.
  • Once open, check the box next to SBAL20180724.exe in the list. All other service builds/updates in the list should be inactive when this build is being run. Only run this build. If any other service builds or updates are shown as enabled, please contact your Customer Care Representative.
  • Click Run
  • As noted above, if multiple app servers are used, it is only necessary to install this build on a single server. 
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