
Qualifying Questions Need Review

New Member

Qualifying Questions Need Review

Two of my applications have the tag Qualifying Questions Need Review under the Status tab.  I reviewed the Qualifying Questions page and updated the applications yesterday but the message has not changed and my applications have not been resubmitted.  Did I miss a step?  Will they update and resubmit soon?

1 Reply
Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @zas3188


Do you see the Certify and Submit tab on the application?  There may be a checkbox to finalize and submit there.


If you do not see that, we would need to look into the application and review the setup to determine why the status is not updating. I would recommend you work with PowerSchool Support through a case and have them look into this to troubleshoot further. You can reach out to them by clicking on this link.



Jyotishka B.
Community Moderator

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