Video: Load a Saved Message in the Message Sender


You can resend a saved message in a broadcast, and save time by using a message you've previously created and saved.


Follow the steps below to load a saved message in the message sender.



Broadcast Tab:


Under the Broadcasts Tab, there is a page called Messages (highlighted yellow in the image above). When you save a message it is stored here. 


When creating a broadcast (MessageSender or 3-Step process to create a broadcast) you can retrieve a message and include it in the new broadcast) 


New Broadcast:

New Broadcast.jpg

Use the New Broadcast button to start the process of creating a broadcast. The 3-step process is called the MessageSender. 


On Step 2 there is a button "Load Saved Message" (see screenshot above). Selecting the button will show you the messages you've saved and can use in a broadcast - saving you time!


Load the content of a saved Message



Load Saved Message:

Load Saved Message.jpg


Selecting the "Load Saved Message" button will show you "Load the Content of a Saved Message" where you can select a saved message from the Message page (under the Broadcasts Tab). 


In the example, there is one saved message: Parent Monthly Meeting.


Selecting the radio button (circle) for Parent Monthly Meeting will then load the message into Step 2 Message Content - see image above.


Message Name:

Saved messages to select and load into Step 2 Message Content.


Phone, Email, SMS/Text, Posts:

Green checkbox means the message contains the message format (phone, email, SMS/Text, or Posts).


In the example, the Parent Monthly Meeting has an email and SMS/Text message only.


Load Selected Message:

After selecting a message use Load Selected Message button to bring the message type(s) -- phone, email, SMS/Text, posts--into Step 2 Message Content. See above image.


Video on Loading a Saved Message in the Message Sender



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You can resend a saved message in a broadcast, and save time by using a message you've previously created and saved.


Follow the steps below to load a saved message in the message sender.



Broadcast Tab:


Under the Broadcasts Tab, there is a page called Messages (highlighted yellow in the image above). When you save a message it is stored here. 


When creating a broadcast (MessageSender or 3-Step process to create a broadcast) you can retrieve a message and include it in the new broadcast) 


New Broadcast:

New Broadcast.jpg

Use the New Broadcast button to start the process of creating a broadcast. The 3-step process is called the MessageSender. 


On Step 2 there is a button "Load Saved Message" (see screenshot above). Selecting the button will show you the messages you've saved and can use in a broadcast - saving you time!


Load the content of a saved Message



Load Saved Message:

Load Saved Message.jpg


Selecting the "Load Saved Message" button will show you "Load the Content of a Saved Message" where you can select a saved message from the Message page (under the Broadcasts Tab). 


In the example, there is one saved message: Parent Monthly Meeting.


Selecting the radio button (circle) for Parent Monthly Meeting will then load the message into Step 2 Message Content - see image above.


Message Name:

Saved messages to select and load into Step 2 Message Content.


Phone, Email, SMS/Text, Posts:

Green checkbox means the message contains the message format (phone, email, SMS/Text, or Posts).


In the example, the Parent Monthly Meeting has an email and SMS/Text message only.


Load Selected Message:

After selecting a message use Load Selected Message button to bring the message type(s) -- phone, email, SMS/Text, posts--into Step 2 Message Content. See above image.


Video on Loading a Saved Message in the Message Sender



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You can resend a saved message in a broadcast, and save time by using a message you've previously created and saved.


Follow the steps below to load a saved message in the message sender.



Broadcast Tab:


Under the Broadcasts Tab, there is a page called Messages (highlighted yellow in the image above). When you save a message it is stored here. 


When creating a broadcast (MessageSender or 3-Step process to create a broadcast) you can retrieve a message and include it in the new broadcast) 


New Broadcast:

New Broadcast.jpg

Use the New Broadcast button to start the process of creating a broadcast. The 3-step process is called the MessageSender. 


On Step 2 there is a button "Load Saved Message" (see screenshot above). Selecting the button will show you the messages you've saved and can use in a broadcast - saving you time!


Load the content of a saved Message



Load Saved Message:

Load Saved Message.jpg


Selecting the "Load Saved Message" button will show you "Load the Content of a Saved Message" where you can select a saved message from the Message page (under the Broadcasts Tab). 


In the example, there is one saved message: Parent Monthly Meeting.


Selecting the radio button (circle) for Parent Monthly Meeting will then load the message into Step 2 Message Content - see image above.


Message Name:

Saved messages to select and load into Step 2 Message Content.


Phone, Email, SMS/Text, Posts:

Green checkbox means the message contains the message format (phone, email, SMS/Text, or Posts).


In the example, the Parent Monthly Meeting has an email and SMS/Text message only.


Load Selected Message:

After selecting a message use Load Selected Message button to bring the message type(s) -- phone, email, SMS/Text, posts--into Step 2 Message Content. See above image.


Video on Loading a Saved Message in the Message Sender



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