Video: Creating an SMS Text Message in Your SchoolMessenger Communicate Broadcast


You can add an SMS (aka text) message to your SchoolMessenger Communicate broadcast, provided SMS is enabled for your business or district.
This article will help you understand how to create an SMS message within a SchoolMessenger Communicate broadcast using the Message Sender.

Video on Creating an SMS Text Message in the Message Sender


Choosing SMS as an option


The SMS Option:
Once in the Message Content portion of the Message Sender (the red New Broadcast button on the Dashboard), clicking on SMS button will open the SMS messaging option.

Note if this button does not exist for you, either your business or district does not have SMS enabled, or your local administrators have not enabled SMS as an option for your profile. Check with local administrators to see about enabling this option.


SMS Option.jpg


Limits to SMS messaging


Max Characters Allowed:

There will be a limit to the number of characters you are allowed to send in an SMS message. While that number is usually 160, based on cell phone carrier standards, you may see a multiple of 160 if your business or district has added that option.

Note: You may also see 148. That means your account has reserved the first 12 characters as a "Prepend", identifying text that will show at the beginning of every text sent through SchoolMessenger Communicate.


Character Counter:

Shows how many of your available characters you have used in your message. While you can add more characters than the counter allows, you will not be able to save your message if you go past this number.
Limits to SMS.jpg


Saving your SMS Message



Once you have completed your message, provided you have not gone over your maximum allowable characters, click Save to continue on with your broadcast.


save SMS.jpg




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You can add an SMS (aka text) message to your SchoolMessenger Communicate broadcast, provided SMS is enabled for your business or district.
This article will help you understand how to create an SMS message within a SchoolMessenger Communicate broadcast using the Message Sender.

Video on Creating an SMS Text Message in the Message Sender


Choosing SMS as an option


The SMS Option:
Once in the Message Content portion of the Message Sender (the red New Broadcast button on the Dashboard), clicking on SMS button will open the SMS messaging option.

Note if this button does not exist for you, either your business or district does not have SMS enabled, or your local administrators have not enabled SMS as an option for your profile. Check with local administrators to see about enabling this option.


SMS Option.jpg


Limits to SMS messaging


Max Characters Allowed:

There will be a limit to the number of characters you are allowed to send in an SMS message. While that number is usually 160, based on cell phone carrier standards, you may see a multiple of 160 if your business or district has added that option.

Note: You may also see 148. That means your account has reserved the first 12 characters as a "Prepend", identifying text that will show at the beginning of every text sent through SchoolMessenger Communicate.


Character Counter:

Shows how many of your available characters you have used in your message. While you can add more characters than the counter allows, you will not be able to save your message if you go past this number.
Limits to SMS.jpg


Saving your SMS Message



Once you have completed your message, provided you have not gone over your maximum allowable characters, click Save to continue on with your broadcast.


save SMS.jpg




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You can add an SMS (aka text) message to your SchoolMessenger Communicate broadcast, provided SMS is enabled for your business or district.
This article will help you understand how to create an SMS message within a SchoolMessenger Communicate broadcast using the Message Sender.

Video on Creating an SMS Text Message in the Message Sender


Choosing SMS as an option


The SMS Option:
Once in the Message Content portion of the Message Sender (the red New Broadcast button on the Dashboard), clicking on SMS button will open the SMS messaging option.

Note if this button does not exist for you, either your business or district does not have SMS enabled, or your local administrators have not enabled SMS as an option for your profile. Check with local administrators to see about enabling this option.


SMS Option.jpg


Limits to SMS messaging


Max Characters Allowed:

There will be a limit to the number of characters you are allowed to send in an SMS message. While that number is usually 160, based on cell phone carrier standards, you may see a multiple of 160 if your business or district has added that option.

Note: You may also see 148. That means your account has reserved the first 12 characters as a "Prepend", identifying text that will show at the beginning of every text sent through SchoolMessenger Communicate.


Character Counter:

Shows how many of your available characters you have used in your message. While you can add more characters than the counter allows, you will not be able to save your message if you go past this number.
Limits to SMS.jpg


Saving your SMS Message



Once you have completed your message, provided you have not gone over your maximum allowable characters, click Save to continue on with your broadcast.


save SMS.jpg




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‎04-17-2024 09:01 AM
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