
MIssing Publish Option


MIssing Publish Option

Hi- my district just set up ECollect forms & I am going through the manual to try to send out a test form & I do not have a checkbox under Options that says Publish. Is there someplace that I have to set admin access?


Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you!

3 Replies
PowerSchool Mentor
PowerSchool Mentor

The Publish option only shows up when you click on the TITLE of the form at the top of the Form Builder. Give that a shot first...and let us know.


Screen Shot 2020-12-05 at 11.42.46 AM.png


If you are currently clicked on a question, that option does not appear:


Screen Shot 2020-12-05 at 11.43.39 AM.png

Doug Skinner

District Instructional Data Officer
Gateway Regional School District

Did your issue get solved? Please remember to give Kudos and/or select Accept As Solution on the helpful posts to thank the author and to help others find the solution.


Thank you for your reply. I see that, but when I click on the title, I do not see the option to publish under Options.



PowerSchool Mentor
PowerSchool Mentor

Ok there might be an issue with the version of Ecollect or Subscription manager you currently have installed. Occasionally when new versions come out some features will randomly stop working on older versions.


What version are you using?

Doug Skinner

District Instructional Data Officer
Gateway Regional School District

Did your issue get solved? Please remember to give Kudos and/or select Accept As Solution on the helpful posts to thank the author and to help others find the solution.