When I log on to power school to register my daughter for the 2023-2024 school year I get this message.
We are sorry, but there is a problem with the snapcode. It appears that the snapcode has already been associated with a different family account. In order to access this Registration you MUST sign in as Unji F. (unj*****@yah*****.com) .
Note: a snapcode corresponds to a specific student’s Registration . It can only be linked to a single PowerSchool Enrollment account (Email Address/Password). Once a snapcode has been linked to a specific account, those forms can only be accessed by logging in with that email address.
This is my daughter's father's email account - my daughter does not live with her daughter and I need to be able to access power school so I can register her.
Thank you -
You will need to contact your daughter's school district directly to have this resolved through them.
Hope this helps!
Hi @laherran311
Yes, as mentioned by @stemleym you would need to contact your daughter's school district directly. However, there are a few steps you can take to access the form before contacting your school which is mentioned in the articles linked below.