Existing parent SIS users can add additional student to their PowerSchool Pare Portal account.
Parent Portal Users (Parent Form Responders)
To add a new student to your existing account:
Still Not Working?
For additional support, please connect with us via Support Chat or send us an email through the following link: https://help.powerschool.com/t5/Support-Case-Chat/ct-p/SupportCaseChat
Existing parent SIS users can add additional student to their PowerSchool Pare Portal account.
Parent Portal Users (Parent Form Responders)
To add a new student to your existing account:
Still Not Working?
For additional support, please connect with us via Support Chat or send us an email through the following link: https://help.powerschool.com/t5/Support-Case-Chat/ct-p/SupportCaseChat
Existing parent SIS users can add additional student to their PowerSchool Pare Portal account.
Parent Portal Users (Parent Form Responders)
To add a new student to your existing account:
Still Not Working?
For additional support, please connect with us via Support Chat or send us an email through the following link: https://help.powerschool.com/t5/Support-Case-Chat/ct-p/SupportCaseChat