How do other schools allow their teachers to view the daily attendance for the whole building?
We used to have a customization that showed attendance in the daily bulletin (in real time), but that is no longer supported.
I was just wondering what other schools use in order to view attendance in real time for staff? Is this an additional plugin? If so, what is it called?
Thank You
I would love to be able to see this as well. Has anyone provided you with an answer/solution?
Good Morning,
I had to reach out to local districts and see what html code was used. For me, it shows entire district attendance and I haven't figured out how to separate it yet, but it's better than nothing. (Luckily, we are a small one building district!)
This is what I got:
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
<td class="bold">Student</td>
<td class="bold">Current Grade</td>
<td class="bold">Attendance Date</td>
<td class="bold">Code</td>
<td class="bold">Comment</td>
<td class="bold">Time In</td>
<td class="bold">Time Out</td>
case when attt.time_in is null then '0' else to_char(attt.time_in) end timein, case when attt.time_out is null then '0' else
to_char(attt.time_out) end timeout
FROM attendance att
INNER JOIN attendance_code ac ON att.attendance_codeid = ac.ID
left outer JOIN attendance_time attt on attt.attendanceid = att.id
INNER JOIN students s on att.studentid = s.id
JOIN schools sch on att.schoolid = sch.school_number
WHERE att.att_date = '~[bulletindate;0]'
AND att.yearid = ~(curyearid)
AND att.att_mode_code = 'ATT_ModeDaily'
AND ac.att_code is not null
ORDER BY sch.name, s.grade_level, s.lastfirst,att.Att_Date;alternatecolor]
<tr class="oddrow">
<td>~(att.att_comment;t) </td>
<td>~(timein;l;if.test=0;then;else=~(timein;l;format=time)) </td>
<td>~(timeout;l;if.test=0;then;else=~(timeout;l;format=time)) </td> </tr> [/tlist_sql] </table>