This is my first year with PowerSchool with little to no training... please be kind 🙂 Teachers already successfully entered grades for trimester 1 and report cards were successfully printed. We use MBA plug-in Report Creator. Teachers are now getting ready to input grades for trimester 2.
Do I need to do anything before they begin adding grades for trimester 2 as far as somehow SAVING grades for trimester 1? Or is that an end of the year task: to "save" and/or "store" permanately grades for students? Thank you!
HI @staceyrebholz. If you are using Traditional grades, they will need to be stored using the Permanently Store Grades function at System>Permanently Store Grades at the end of each reporting term. This must be done building-by-building. Standards grades entered into PowerTeacher Pro will automatically come over to the Admin side, but Traditional grades must be stored to move from PT Pro to the StoredGrades table. Once stored, you will see them on the students Historical Grades page.
What if my standard grades for elementary are not in the historical grades and when I try and store grades, they are all just dashes and no grades?
@walkers1969 Standards grades are not found on the Historical Grades page. They are found on the Standards page. A dash on the Historical Grades screen indicates a blank stored grade.
Thank you. This is our 2nd year on PowerSchool and my first year in my position, so I am learning as I go. Are Standards stored automatically from PowerTeacher Pro?
@walkers1969 Yes, Standards grades entered into PT Pro "go" right over to the Admin-side of PowerSchool. Traditional grades must be stored; this process moves them from PT Pro (PGFinalGrades table) to Historical Grades (StoredGrades table).
Thank you so much for your help 🙂
@vaida This post has literally nothing to do with the topic at hand. Literally nothing.