

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion


After receiving an email from Laura McNair,

  1. SBE Regulation 43-172 I.B.2.C. follows, “A pupil shall maintain membership in a minimum of 200 minutes of daily instruction or its equivalency for an annual accumulation of 36,000 minutes.  Two 90-minute courses first semester and two 90-minute courses second semester do not equal 200 minutes of instruction per semester or 36,000 minutes annually.  Students must be scheduled into another course to meet the minimum requirements of a full-time student for funding. Homeroom and time spent on administrative tasks do not count as part of the instructional day. Yes, study hall counts, but keep in mind many students skip study hall which becomes a safety issue. All students must benefit from instruction during this time. 

I printed our ADA/ADM by Minute.  Some of the numbers do not add up.  Is there another report that will help will me figuring out if we meet the above?

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