
Login Error: SSO 403 Error


Login Error: SSO 403 Error

Staff members within the network cannot login successfully and some are receiving a 403 error at login. Is this a common issue prior to start of school year? Is there a guide or a fix to remediate this issue?

3 Replies
PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

Assuming you are using Google SSO, this is likely something that needs to be configured or fixed in Google Workspace Admin. See this help article: Google Workspace Help 


@joshcollins thank you for the feedback! After looking further into it, I noticed a discrepancy within SQL and CSV file that needed an update to the year within dates. My team has made the adjustments and it seemed to have fixed the issue. 


Update: after checking with another department, it was a user error. Individual was inputting first.last name AND domain. Adding the "" will pose an error.  Issue was resolved once the change was made on the user's end.