
Locker Assignments


Locker Assignments

Is there a way to block off a bank of lockers so that they do not get assigned during the mass assign process?

3 Replies

I believe that the way the Locker Mass Assignment tool works depends on Grade Level, Gender, and Locker Groups.


Whenever you go to mass assign lockers you must select a Grade Level/Gender or both to assign lockers to. And you can choose a locker group to include or exclude.


So for example, my school splits lockers by grade level. So, when I navigate to the Mass Assign Lockers page, to assign lockers to my freshman I will select Grade 9 from the Grade Level menu. My school does not care about Gender in terms of locker assignments so I will leave that field alone. 


The next step required prep work from before starting this process. You must have assigned all of the lockers to a locker group. I have my locker groups set up to resemble grade levels. Listed as FR, SO, JR, and SE. In order to assign the freshman that I have selected above, I will select to include the FR. Locker group. And then I will hit submit.


Now I have a screen that on the left half shows all of the students that are currently fit into the grade/gender I selected before along with their current locker assignment information. And on the right side I have a list of lockers that fit the locker group inclusion/exclusion rules I set earlier. 


At the top of the page I can select Assign Lockers to have the system automatically assign the students new lockers. 


Please note that this assignment change does not actually take effect in your system until you hit "Save Locker Assignment" and then the changes will take effect.


So to reserve a section of lockers from assignment, you may put all of those lockers into a group, and chose to exclude that group as you go through this process.


We are on version 24.6 of PowerSchool and using the enhanced user interface.  Where do I find the page to mass assign lockers and create/edit locker groups?  Any help you could give would be so wonderful.


Locker groups are local to each school. So you must be at the school level to see the page. And the groups that you create/edit there are only used at that school. 


To get to where you can create Locker Groups goto:

School Management >>> Locker Groups >>> Locker Groups


If you cannot see the page still then either your school does not have the Locker Management plugin, or your access has been disabled. If you believe that your school does have locker management, and that you should have access, you should reach out to your System Administrator at your school district. They should be able to help you.