





    I have a question.  I have not permanently stored my grades yet for Q2 & S1.  Some teachers have already done the verification step for some of their classes but now are making changes to the grades that they previously verified.   Are they able to do the verification process again since the grades have not been permanently stored yet?  

8 Replies
PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

If you are using Section Readiness in PT Pro, they cannot un-check and re-check the verification, but they can add additional comments such as "Re-Verified 2-8-23."


Verification has no bearing on the storing of grades.


Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

Oh really?  Because I did have a teacher that did not do the verification step last quarter and her grades printed with a blank on the Report Card?

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

Grade Verification is just a communication tool; I work with over 70 districts and more than half of them don't even use the built-in Section Readiness feature of PT Pro.


Blank stored grades are usually just that--grades that were blank in a teacher's gradebook when they were stored.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

Ahhh ok.   Thank you!

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

You'll usually see a bunch of those for exam store-codes for classes that don't give exams. Here in New York, we use a Regents (State test) R6 store code and not all classes have a Regents exam, so you end up with a boatload of blank R6 grades for non-Regents classes in June.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

Jeff can I ask one more question......I have students that have transferred out of my district but I have not permanently stored grades yet.  Do I need to still keep them active in PowerSchool in order to for their grades to be stored and be able to send a transcript/Report Card to the new district w/the students S1 grades?

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

No, you can store grades for Transferred Out kids. Just make sure you use the correct date in the Include/Exclude enrollments area. If you'd like even more control, you can select the transferred out kids and use Additional Filter Options to store specifically for that student.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

Thank you so much for your help!