
Class Roster pdf Issues Admin


Class Roster pdf Issues Admin

I have been trying to run the class roster pdf at my school to include teacher names as a header and no matter what I do it puts the teachers name as an index on a separate tab on the left hand side of my screen.


I recently took a job at a different school and I have a new computer.  What's interesting is that I have copied and pasted the same exact information that I used to run at my previous school.  The report worked for me just fine over there.


For the life of me I cannot figure out why it won't run the same way as it did on my previous computer.  I am hoping someone can help - there has to be a background setting that is causing my issue.


Thanks in advance!!


1 Reply

Hi @ssmith089,


Please make sure that when running the class roaster you will need to select all the teachers (hold the CTRL key to make multiple selections) for the names to appear and the error message not to appear. Additionally, I recommend reviewing this article to make sure that your setup for your school is correct. I recommend working with the technical contacts in your school district who can create a support case with the PowerSchool SIS team on your behalf.


Post that PowerSchool SIS team will be able to take a closer look at your setup by accessing your site and will be in a better position to troubleshoot this further for you.



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