
Assignments list ordering


Assignments list ordering



How do I NOT have my assignments arranged in alphabetical order????

5 Replies
Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @donrumsey 


To assist you further, would you please confirm which PowerSchool product you are referring to?



Jyotishka B.
Community Moderator

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This is PowerTeacher Pro.

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

@donrumsey What exact page in PT Pro? On the Grading>Assignments page you can click any column header and it will sort by that column. On the Grading>Scoresheet page you can sort by most/least recent.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

I am in the Grading - Assignments list.  The issue is, every time I enter an assignment it is arranged in Alpha order by default; which I haven't encountered before.  I am not entering them in Alpha order. Sort from recent to least recent only inverts the order and does nothing about the alpha ordering.  See photo.PS.jpg

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

@donrumsey See the little arrow directly to the left of the "Scored" column? That means you are sorting them by name (alphabetically). Click on whatever column header you want to sort by. In the attached screenshot, I am sorting by Due Date.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool