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Your applicant profile can be found in 'My Profile' on the left side of the screen. The profile is there to house your commonly used applicant information. Filling out or updating your profile will not impact actual job applications but will do the following:
Note: If you are applying to a position and update your profile fields through the application submission process it will update your profile to have the most up to date information. If you update your profile it will not update submitted applications.
The following sections are a part of your profile and can be edited or deleted using the pencil icon to the right.
Personal Information: This displays general information.
Professional Experience: This is the section in which you would put your previous employment.
Education: This is the section where you would put the schools that you have attended. There is also the pencil icon which is used to edit the current entry or the trashcan icon to delete the entry. You would upload your transcript under this section of your profile.
Licenses and Certifications: This is the section where you would put the schools that you have attended. There is also the pencil icon which is used to edit the current entry or the trashcan icon to delete the entry. You would upload your certification and license under this section of your profile.
References: This is the section where you would put the individuals that you would like the school district to reach out to for references. You can put as many references as you like and will be able to select which reference you want based on each application you submit. The phone number field is either formats of NNN-NNN-NNNN or NNNNNNNNNN.
Additional Information: This section is where you would put test scores and any languages you may speak. If you create one entry in either section, the green checkmark will mark this section as complete.
Documents: This will display all of the attachments that you have added to the profile as well as a place to upload your resume and cover letters. When you are filling out an application you will be able to choose from your profile documents for ease.
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Your applicant profile can be found in 'My Profile' on the left side of the screen. The profile is there to house your commonly used applicant information. Filling out or updating your profile will not impact actual job applications but will do the following:
Note: If you are applying to a position and update your profile fields through the application submission process it will update your profile to have the most up to date information. If you update your profile it will not update submitted applications.
The following sections are a part of your profile and can be edited or deleted using the pencil icon to the right.
Personal Information: This displays general information.
Professional Experience: This is the section in which you would put your previous employment.
Education: This is the section where you would put the schools that you have attended. There is also the pencil icon which is used to edit the current entry or the trashcan icon to delete the entry. You would upload your transcript under this section of your profile.
Licenses and Certifications: This is the section where you would put the schools that you have attended. There is also the pencil icon which is used to edit the current entry or the trashcan icon to delete the entry. You would upload your certification and license under this section of your profile.
References: This is the section where you would put the individuals that you would like the school district to reach out to for references. You can put as many references as you like and will be able to select which reference you want based on each application you submit. The phone number field is either formats of NNN-NNN-NNNN or NNNNNNNNNN.
Additional Information: This section is where you would put test scores and any languages you may speak. If you create one entry in either section, the green checkmark will mark this section as complete.
Documents: This will display all of the attachments that you have added to the profile as well as a place to upload your resume and cover letters. When you are filling out an application you will be able to choose from your profile documents for ease.
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Your applicant profile can be found in 'My Profile' on the left side of the screen. The profile is there to house your commonly used applicant information. Filling out or updating your profile will not impact actual job applications but will do the following:
Note: If you are applying to a position and update your profile fields through the application submission process it will update your profile to have the most up to date information. If you update your profile it will not update submitted applications.
The following sections are a part of your profile and can be edited or deleted using the pencil icon to the right.
Personal Information: This displays general information.
Professional Experience: This is the section in which you would put your previous employment.
Education: This is the section where you would put the schools that you have attended. There is also the pencil icon which is used to edit the current entry or the trashcan icon to delete the entry. You would upload your transcript under this section of your profile.
Licenses and Certifications: This is the section where you would put the schools that you have attended. There is also the pencil icon which is used to edit the current entry or the trashcan icon to delete the entry. You would upload your certification and license under this section of your profile.
References: This is the section where you would put the individuals that you would like the school district to reach out to for references. You can put as many references as you like and will be able to select which reference you want based on each application you submit. The phone number field is either formats of NNN-NNN-NNNN or NNNNNNNNNN.
Additional Information: This section is where you would put test scores and any languages you may speak. If you create one entry in either section, the green checkmark will mark this section as complete.
Documents: This will display all of the attachments that you have added to the profile as well as a place to upload your resume and cover letters. When you are filling out an application you will be able to choose from your profile documents for ease.
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