
Candidate Portal Applicant FAQ


Enhanced Candidate Portal Applicant FAQ



Where can I view my previously submitted applications? 


  • You can view any applications submitted within the past year (starting January 2024) under 'My Jobs' > 'Submitted Applications'. 



  • All application details, including attached documents will be visible to you on the submitted applications section once you click on the respective job title.





Why didn't my old profile transfer to the new system? 


  • The old candidate 'profiles' were not true profiles but rather submitted applications. The new profile is a true profile that uses a 'one profile for all districts' approach. We've standardized profile fields and data across districts to allow for future ease in applying to positions. 
    • To maintain data consistency, you will need to fill out the new profile once. 
    • When completing applications, the system will automatically save information back to your profile to keep it current. 
  • You should still have access to your Submitted Applications which would have shown in the old Profile tab if it was submitted beginning Jan 2024.  
  • If you've applied for a district position that utilizes a custom set of questions in the past and then apply to another position that uses those same questions, your answers will fill into the fields when you go to apply. 
  • Note: Some fields will need to be entered each time you apply.  
    • Example: Social Security and Drivers License if asked  





Why am I getting a 500 error when I try to submit my application? 


  • Errors may occur if there are discrepancies in some entered fields on the profile  
  • Common places to validate data include References and Certificates 
    • Ensure that the profile section “Licenses and Certificates” have a title included for each item 
    • Ensure each Reference listed has an end date 





Can I update the submitted documents on an application? 


  • You can update the attachments that you've submitted on your applications to the district by navigating to 'My Jobs' and selecting 'Submitted Documents'




    This section houses the live current attachments that are visible to the district.

    • Making any changes here immediately changed the attachment that appears on your submitted application. 


    ashleyjohann_2-1739204167506.png: Use the blue paperclip to upload or select an already uploaded attachment to replace the existing one.
    ashleyjohann_4-1739204242852.png: Use the blue download button to download the existing attachment to your computer. 





Can I update my references submitted on the application?  


  • At this time you can only update the references by starting a new job application, adding the updated references information and clicking save or selecting/adding the references you want and going to next page.(You do not need to fully submit the application). 


  •  We’re are working on a feature that will allow you to update references directly on submitted applications. 





 How can I edit my personal details (like address) after submitting the application? 


  • Currently, there is no direct way to edit previously submitted application details. 
  • However, if you will start a new application and update the information on a new application, those updates will appear to the administrators/hiring managers, even without a formal submission. 





How can I see documents shared by HR like I used to earlier? 


  • Currently, you cannot view documents from HR in the portal. For now, HR will have to email documents directly to you via emails. 
    • Our development team is exploring ways to add this functionality but we don't have a specific release timeframe. 






 Can I hide the map to see only the job postings by default? 


  • You can hide the map by clicking on a job posting or selecting theHide Mapoption. 







 How can I view my older application data applied before Jan 2024? 


  • If you haven’t logged in since the new login experience rolled out, you’ll have to create a new account using thesame email addressas you had previously used. 
  • This will ensure that the future applications sync with past district data. 
  • You will not be able to see any old applications (2–3 years back) in your “Submitted Applications” view, but in our upcomingDocument Managementsection, you’ll be able to access historical documents on file with the district and update them as needed. 





 How can I apply for internal jobs? 


  • You must be logged in to your applicant account and marked as internal to access the list of internal jobs at a district.
  • You can mark your account as internal by either clicking on the initials at the top right of the screen > clicking 'Internal Jobs Settings' > and answering the challenge question put in place by the district.   OR by clicking the 'Internal Jobs' tab > then clicking 'Internal Jobs Settings' > and answering the challenge question.


  • After your account has been set up as Internal you can use the 'Internal Jobs' tab to see apply as an internal applicant. 





 How can I get help in the system?


  • There are a few methods that you can use to get assistance. All of these methods can be found once you've logged in to your applicant account by clicking the blue circle in the lower left of the page. 


When you click on the blue circle you will be given the below options for assistance. 


  • Chat Bot: The chat bot is an AI chatbot that tries to answer your question by pulling from our knowledge base articles. It will attempt to assist you two times before letting you be redirected to a live agent. 
    • Because we have moved to the AI chatbot support can now assist in multiple languages using the AI to translate. 
  • PowerSchool Support: This has been combined with the chat feature and will ask you to redirect to the chat bot. 
  • Knowledge Base: This will direct you to our knowledge articles where you can search for specific topics.  
  • All-In-One Guide: A brief overview of some of the features you will use in your job search. 
  • Specified Walkthroughs
    • My Profile: How to make changes in your profile
    • Advanced Search: How to search for a position
    • Job Assist Preferences: How to turn off and edit my profiles visibility to districts. 
    • Job Notification Preferences: How to set up job alerts 





(Note: If you are having trouble logging in please use the applicant support chat link below.) 





How do I create an applicant account?  How to set my account as Internal
How to set up job alert notifications What are job assist preferences? 
New Candidate Portal Video  



Click here for the Applicant Support Chat




Was this Article Helpful?

  • Kudo this article if you found it helpful. It will help others find this resource.
  • Comment directly on this article to request clarification or share feedback about the content of the article.
  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.


Enhanced Candidate Portal Applicant FAQ



Where can I view my previously submitted applications? 


  • You can view any applications submitted within the past year (starting January 2024) under 'My Jobs' > 'Submitted Applications'. 



  • All application details, including attached documents will be visible to you on the submitted applications section once you click on the respective job title.





Why didn't my old profile transfer to the new system? 


  • The old candidate 'profiles' were not true profiles but rather submitted applications. The new profile is a true profile that uses a 'one profile for all districts' approach. We've standardized profile fields and data across districts to allow for future ease in applying to positions. 
    • To maintain data consistency, you will need to fill out the new profile once. 
    • When completing applications, the system will automatically save information back to your profile to keep it current. 
  • You should still have access to your Submitted Applications which would have shown in the old Profile tab if it was submitted beginning Jan 2024.  
  • If you've applied for a district position that utilizes a custom set of questions in the past and then apply to another position that uses those same questions, your answers will fill into the fields when you go to apply. 
  • Note: Some fields will need to be entered each time you apply.  
    • Example: Social Security and Drivers License if asked  





Why am I getting a 500 error when I try to submit my application? 


  • Errors may occur if there are discrepancies in some entered fields on the profile  
  • Common places to validate data include References and Certificates 
    • Ensure that the profile section “Licenses and Certificates” have a title included for each item 
    • Ensure each Reference listed has an end date 





Can I update the submitted documents on an application? 


  • You can update the attachments that you've submitted on your applications to the district by navigating to 'My Jobs' and selecting 'Submitted Documents'




    This section houses the live current attachments that are visible to the district.

    • Making any changes here immediately changed the attachment that appears on your submitted application. 


    ashleyjohann_2-1739204167506.png: Use the blue paperclip to upload or select an already uploaded attachment to replace the existing one.
    ashleyjohann_4-1739204242852.png: Use the blue download button to download the existing attachment to your computer. 





Can I update my references submitted on the application?  


  • At this time you can only update the references by starting a new job application, adding the updated references information and clicking save or selecting/adding the references you want and going to next page.(You do not need to fully submit the application). 


  •  We’re are working on a feature that will allow you to update references directly on submitted applications. 





 How can I edit my personal details (like address) after submitting the application? 


  • Currently, there is no direct way to edit previously submitted application details. 
  • However, if you will start a new application and update the information on a new application, those updates will appear to the administrators/hiring managers, even without a formal submission. 





How can I see documents shared by HR like I used to earlier? 


  • Currently, you cannot view documents from HR in the portal. For now, HR will have to email documents directly to you via emails. 
    • Our development team is exploring ways to add this functionality but we don't have a specific release timeframe. 






 Can I hide the map to see only the job postings by default? 


  • You can hide the map by clicking on a job posting or selecting theHide Mapoption. 







 How can I view my older application data applied before Jan 2024? 


  • If you haven’t logged in since the new login experience rolled out, you’ll have to create a new account using thesame email addressas you had previously used. 
  • This will ensure that the future applications sync with past district data. 
  • You will not be able to see any old applications (2–3 years back) in your “Submitted Applications” view, but in our upcomingDocument Managementsection, you’ll be able to access historical documents on file with the district and update them as needed. 





 How can I apply for internal jobs? 


  • You must be logged in to your applicant account and marked as internal to access the list of internal jobs at a district.
  • You can mark your account as internal by either clicking on the initials at the top right of the screen > clicking 'Internal Jobs Settings' > and answering the challenge question put in place by the district.   OR by clicking the 'Internal Jobs' tab > then clicking 'Internal Jobs Settings' > and answering the challenge question.


  • After your account has been set up as Internal you can use the 'Internal Jobs' tab to see apply as an internal applicant. 





 How can I get help in the system?


  • There are a few methods that you can use to get assistance. All of these methods can be found once you've logged in to your applicant account by clicking the blue circle in the lower left of the page. 


When you click on the blue circle you will be given the below options for assistance. 


  • Chat Bot: The chat bot is an AI chatbot that tries to answer your question by pulling from our knowledge base articles. It will attempt to assist you two times before letting you be redirected to a live agent. 
    • Because we have moved to the AI chatbot support can now assist in multiple languages using the AI to translate. 
  • PowerSchool Support: This has been combined with the chat feature and will ask you to redirect to the chat bot. 
  • Knowledge Base: This will direct you to our knowledge articles where you can search for specific topics.  
  • All-In-One Guide: A brief overview of some of the features you will use in your job search. 
  • Specified Walkthroughs
    • My Profile: How to make changes in your profile
    • Advanced Search: How to search for a position
    • Job Assist Preferences: How to turn off and edit my profiles visibility to districts. 
    • Job Notification Preferences: How to set up job alerts 





(Note: If you are having trouble logging in please use the applicant support chat link below.) 





How do I create an applicant account?  How to set my account as Internal
How to set up job alert notifications What are job assist preferences? 
New Candidate Portal Video  



Click here for the Applicant Support Chat




Was this Article Helpful?

  • Kudo this article if you found it helpful. It will help others find this resource.
  • Comment directly on this article to request clarification or share feedback about the content of the article.
  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.


Enhanced Candidate Portal Applicant FAQ



Where can I view my previously submitted applications? 


  • You can view any applications submitted within the past year (starting January 2024) under 'My Jobs' > 'Submitted Applications'. 



  • All application details, including attached documents will be visible to you on the submitted applications section once you click on the respective job title.





Why didn't my old profile transfer to the new system? 


  • The old candidate 'profiles' were not true profiles but rather submitted applications. The new profile is a true profile that uses a 'one profile for all districts' approach. We've standardized profile fields and data across districts to allow for future ease in applying to positions. 
    • To maintain data consistency, you will need to fill out the new profile once. 
    • When completing applications, the system will automatically save information back to your profile to keep it current. 
  • You should still have access to your Submitted Applications which would have shown in the old Profile tab if it was submitted beginning Jan 2024.  
  • If you've applied for a district position that utilizes a custom set of questions in the past and then apply to another position that uses those same questions, your answers will fill into the fields when you go to apply. 
  • Note: Some fields will need to be entered each time you apply.  
    • Example: Social Security and Drivers License if asked  





Why am I getting a 500 error when I try to submit my application? 


  • Errors may occur if there are discrepancies in some entered fields on the profile  
  • Common places to validate data include References and Certificates 
    • Ensure that the profile section “Licenses and Certificates” have a title included for each item 
    • Ensure each Reference listed has an end date 





Can I update the submitted documents on an application? 


  • You can update the attachments that you've submitted on your applications to the district by navigating to 'My Jobs' and selecting 'Submitted Documents'




    This section houses the live current attachments that are visible to the district.

    • Making any changes here immediately changed the attachment that appears on your submitted application. 


    ashleyjohann_2-1739204167506.png: Use the blue paperclip to upload or select an already uploaded attachment to replace the existing one.
    ashleyjohann_4-1739204242852.png: Use the blue download button to download the existing attachment to your computer. 





Can I update my references submitted on the application?  


  • At this time you can only update the references by starting a new job application, adding the updated references information and clicking save or selecting/adding the references you want and going to next page.(You do not need to fully submit the application). 


  •  We’re are working on a feature that will allow you to update references directly on submitted applications. 





 How can I edit my personal details (like address) after submitting the application? 


  • Currently, there is no direct way to edit previously submitted application details. 
  • However, if you will start a new application and update the information on a new application, those updates will appear to the administrators/hiring managers, even without a formal submission. 





How can I see documents shared by HR like I used to earlier? 


  • Currently, you cannot view documents from HR in the portal. For now, HR will have to email documents directly to you via emails. 
    • Our development team is exploring ways to add this functionality but we don't have a specific release timeframe. 






 Can I hide the map to see only the job postings by default? 


  • You can hide the map by clicking on a job posting or selecting theHide Mapoption. 







 How can I view my older application data applied before Jan 2024? 


  • If you haven’t logged in since the new login experience rolled out, you’ll have to create a new account using thesame email addressas you had previously used. 
  • This will ensure that the future applications sync with past district data. 
  • You will not be able to see any old applications (2–3 years back) in your “Submitted Applications” view, but in our upcomingDocument Managementsection, you’ll be able to access historical documents on file with the district and update them as needed. 





 How can I apply for internal jobs? 


  • You must be logged in to your applicant account and marked as internal to access the list of internal jobs at a district.
  • You can mark your account as internal by either clicking on the initials at the top right of the screen > clicking 'Internal Jobs Settings' > and answering the challenge question put in place by the district.   OR by clicking the 'Internal Jobs' tab > then clicking 'Internal Jobs Settings' > and answering the challenge question.


  • After your account has been set up as Internal you can use the 'Internal Jobs' tab to see apply as an internal applicant. 





 How can I get help in the system?


  • There are a few methods that you can use to get assistance. All of these methods can be found once you've logged in to your applicant account by clicking the blue circle in the lower left of the page. 


When you click on the blue circle you will be given the below options for assistance. 


  • Chat Bot: The chat bot is an AI chatbot that tries to answer your question by pulling from our knowledge base articles. It will attempt to assist you two times before letting you be redirected to a live agent. 
    • Because we have moved to the AI chatbot support can now assist in multiple languages using the AI to translate. 
  • PowerSchool Support: This has been combined with the chat feature and will ask you to redirect to the chat bot. 
  • Knowledge Base: This will direct you to our knowledge articles where you can search for specific topics.  
  • All-In-One Guide: A brief overview of some of the features you will use in your job search. 
  • Specified Walkthroughs
    • My Profile: How to make changes in your profile
    • Advanced Search: How to search for a position
    • Job Assist Preferences: How to turn off and edit my profiles visibility to districts. 
    • Job Notification Preferences: How to set up job alerts 





(Note: If you are having trouble logging in please use the applicant support chat link below.) 





How do I create an applicant account?  How to set my account as Internal
How to set up job alert notifications What are job assist preferences? 
New Candidate Portal Video  



Click here for the Applicant Support Chat




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  • Kudo this article if you found it helpful. It will help others find this resource.
  • Comment directly on this article to request clarification or share feedback about the content of the article.
  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.
Version history
Last update:
‎02-10-2025 08:22 AM
Updated by:
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