
Question about editing letter of recommendation

New Member

Question about editing letter of recommendation



I recently submitted a letter of recommendation for a colleague through  He lamented the fact that in my letter I did not write his official legal name.  Is it possible to correct this error?  There doesn't seem to be a way to edit my letter of recommendation.


I look forward to feedback.


Thank You,


5 Replies

Thank you for your query.

Once submitted, the letter of recommendation can be updated if the applicant sends a request. The applicant can submit the request to update the reference letter by following the steps below.

  • Click on the name of the reference in the Reference Section of the My Information box
  • Under the email address, check the box labeled "Send email request..."
  • Click the "Save Changes" button
  • This will email a link to the reference so they can update the letter.

I hope this helps!

Bishal G.
PowerSchool Community Support Expert
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New Member

It will not accept any email that I try to put in the letter of recommendation section.

New Member

It will not accept the email address for my references

New Member

I'm not trying to edit anything - I am trying to submit my information for a job and it will not let me submit to the job because it is saying that the emails that I put in for my references are not valid.

PowerSchool Team
PowerSchool Team

Hi @janinesue22,


Thank you for reaching out to PowerSchool Community!


If you are receiving the error that the email you are entering is invalid, we recommend double-checking the email address that you are adding.  You can also check for things listed below:

  • Extra space somewhere in the email address. Usually, auto-fill is the culprit what looks like your correct email is actually your email with a trailing space you can’t see:<space>
  • More than one ‘@’ sign
  • You’re entering ‘@gmail’ or ‘@yahoo’ instead of ‘’ or ‘’
  • Their domain name is spelled wrong
  • Hand type (not auto-fill) their email address and see if it will send
  • You can also try clearing the cache and cookies of the browser

If you are still having the issue, we recommend reaching out to the support team by clicking here to see what is causing the issue.

PowerSchool Community Support Expert

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