
Opening an account to apply for jobs


Opening an account to apply for jobs


I never had a powerschool account before as far as I know....I have registered one this morning, but when I try to log in to apply for a job posting, it directs me to a page to "merge old file with new file".  I try logging into it using my username and email addresses, but it says "profile not found" OR "incorrect name or user password entered." 


What do I do?  I need to apply for jobs that have a deadline in 48 hours!




1 Reply
Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @mmcdonagh2024 


We recommend reviewing the below articles to help you log into your account:

If you continue to face issues or need any further assistance, then we recommend submitting a support ticket by clicking on this link.


Jyotishka B.
Community Moderator

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