
Can I transfer account information from one district to another ?



Can I transfer account information from one district to another ?




As of now, we do not have this feature which allows applicants to transfer their profile information from one school district to another. Applicants would need to create a new account with the district they want to apply and fill out the required information.




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Can I transfer account information from one district to another ?




As of now, we do not have this feature which allows applicants to transfer their profile information from one school district to another. Applicants would need to create a new account with the district they want to apply and fill out the required information.




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Can I transfer account information from one district to another ?




As of now, we do not have this feature which allows applicants to transfer their profile information from one school district to another. Applicants would need to create a new account with the district they want to apply and fill out the required information.




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Version history
Last update:
‎10-25-2023 05:17 PM
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