Video: System Admin- Schools & Groups Tabs


Schools | Groups has two options.

Schools (landing place) and Groups. Each option is a page that a System Admin will manage information.

The Schools Page is the list of school(s) that can use SafeArrival to send notifications.

The Groups Page is used if you need unique settings different from the global settings found in the Notifications Tab.


The Schools | Groups Pages of SafeArrival for System Admin

When you first log into SafeArrival as a System Administrator you are on the Schools | Groups tab with two options: Schools (where you land) and Groups.


Dashboard Page.PNG



    • "HOME" in Menu on left. Landing page for a SafeArrival System Admin.
    • When first on this page "Schools" (no. 😎 is active.
    • Select "Groups" (no. 9) and you will change pages.

    • Set up Absences options parents/guardians will select to pre-report absences or report absences on the day of attendance.

    • Various settings deciding how SafeArrival daily notifications will function:


        Beginning & Ending Bell Time

      • Length of Notification Cycle

      • Phone Settings

      • Late Arrival Settings

      • Cut-off Time


    • Calendar for in-session school days, Holidays & Exam Days.

    • Beginning & End of School Year


    • Set up during implementation. Used if using write-back.

    • Can Customize Reports and set up recipients.
  8. Schools

    • Activate school(s) that will receive SafeArrival notifications and various settings how notifications will be sent.
  9. Groups

    • Used to establish settings for a school, or group of schools, different than the global settings configured in Notifications (no. 3).



  • Import School Caller IDs

    • Import CSV of Caller IDs using:

      School Names or School Codes

  • Import school codes.

    • School Code Importing
  • Import bell times

    • School Bell Time Importing CSV Using:
      School Name or School Codes
  • Activate All

    • Used to "Activate" all schools on the page in one action.

      Schools can be activated individually.

  • Custom Settings

    • Set Custom Settings for:


        School Code 

      • Caller ID (established in Notifications - no. 3)

      • Bell Time (established in Notifications - no. 3)

      • Consecutive Days (established in Absence Options - no. 2) [Consecutive Days are the max number of consecutive school days parents/guardians can report absences using SafeArrival.]


  • Other Options (three dots)



    Add to a Group

    • Edit School Max Cumulative Days

    • Edit School Max Consecutive Days

    • Edit School Bell Time

    • Edit School Code

    • Edit School Term

    • Edit School Calendar

    • Edit Caller ID

    • Auto Notifications




    • Show School Settings

    • Sync Student Info

    • Edit Absence Option



Video Explaining Schools | Groups Tab in SafeArrival for System Admin





Group Page

Groups Page.PNG


  1. Create

    • To create a group you select the + green circle. Complete Group Name, Description (optional), and select Save.
      New Group.jpg
  2. Customize Group Settings

    • Customize allows System Admin to edit Absence Reasons and Absence Types used for the Group.
    • See Absence Options Training for instructions on how to manage Absence Reasons and Absence Types.

  3. More Menu

    • System Admin can:
      • Edit

      • Delete

      • Group Settings

      • Group School Term

      • Group School Calendar

      • Manage Schools in Group

      • Group Absence Options



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Schools | Groups has two options.

Schools (landing place) and Groups. Each option is a page that a System Admin will manage information.

The Schools Page is the list of school(s) that can use SafeArrival to send notifications.

The Groups Page is used if you need unique settings different from the global settings found in the Notifications Tab.


The Schools | Groups Pages of SafeArrival for System Admin

When you first log into SafeArrival as a System Administrator you are on the Schools | Groups tab with two options: Schools (where you land) and Groups.


Dashboard Page.PNG



    • "HOME" in Menu on left. Landing page for a SafeArrival System Admin.
    • When first on this page "Schools" (no. 😎 is active.
    • Select "Groups" (no. 9) and you will change pages.

    • Set up Absences options parents/guardians will select to pre-report absences or report absences on the day of attendance.

    • Various settings deciding how SafeArrival daily notifications will function:


        Beginning & Ending Bell Time

      • Length of Notification Cycle

      • Phone Settings

      • Late Arrival Settings

      • Cut-off Time


    • Calendar for in-session school days, Holidays & Exam Days.

    • Beginning & End of School Year


    • Set up during implementation. Used if using write-back.

    • Can Customize Reports and set up recipients.
  8. Schools

    • Activate school(s) that will receive SafeArrival notifications and various settings how notifications will be sent.
  9. Groups

    • Used to establish settings for a school, or group of schools, different than the global settings configured in Notifications (no. 3).



  • Import School Caller IDs

    • Import CSV of Caller IDs using:

      School Names or School Codes

  • Import school codes.

    • School Code Importing
  • Import bell times

    • School Bell Time Importing CSV Using:
      School Name or School Codes
  • Activate All

    • Used to "Activate" all schools on the page in one action.

      Schools can be activated individually.

  • Custom Settings

    • Set Custom Settings for:


        School Code 

      • Caller ID (established in Notifications - no. 3)

      • Bell Time (established in Notifications - no. 3)

      • Consecutive Days (established in Absence Options - no. 2) [Consecutive Days are the max number of consecutive school days parents/guardians can report absences using SafeArrival.]


  • Other Options (three dots)



    Add to a Group

    • Edit School Max Cumulative Days

    • Edit School Max Consecutive Days

    • Edit School Bell Time

    • Edit School Code

    • Edit School Term

    • Edit School Calendar

    • Edit Caller ID

    • Auto Notifications




    • Show School Settings

    • Sync Student Info

    • Edit Absence Option



Video Explaining Schools | Groups Tab in SafeArrival for System Admin





Group Page

Groups Page.PNG


  1. Create

    • To create a group you select the + green circle. Complete Group Name, Description (optional), and select Save.
      New Group.jpg
  2. Customize Group Settings

    • Customize allows System Admin to edit Absence Reasons and Absence Types used for the Group.
    • See Absence Options Training for instructions on how to manage Absence Reasons and Absence Types.

  3. More Menu

    • System Admin can:
      • Edit

      • Delete

      • Group Settings

      • Group School Term

      • Group School Calendar

      • Manage Schools in Group

      • Group Absence Options



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  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.


Schools | Groups has two options.

Schools (landing place) and Groups. Each option is a page that a System Admin will manage information.

The Schools Page is the list of school(s) that can use SafeArrival to send notifications.

The Groups Page is used if you need unique settings different from the global settings found in the Notifications Tab.


The Schools | Groups Pages of SafeArrival for System Admin

When you first log into SafeArrival as a System Administrator you are on the Schools | Groups tab with two options: Schools (where you land) and Groups.


Dashboard Page.PNG



    • "HOME" in Menu on left. Landing page for a SafeArrival System Admin.
    • When first on this page "Schools" (no. 😎 is active.
    • Select "Groups" (no. 9) and you will change pages.

    • Set up Absences options parents/guardians will select to pre-report absences or report absences on the day of attendance.

    • Various settings deciding how SafeArrival daily notifications will function:


        Beginning & Ending Bell Time

      • Length of Notification Cycle

      • Phone Settings

      • Late Arrival Settings

      • Cut-off Time


    • Calendar for in-session school days, Holidays & Exam Days.

    • Beginning & End of School Year


    • Set up during implementation. Used if using write-back.

    • Can Customize Reports and set up recipients.
  8. Schools

    • Activate school(s) that will receive SafeArrival notifications and various settings how notifications will be sent.
  9. Groups

    • Used to establish settings for a school, or group of schools, different than the global settings configured in Notifications (no. 3).



  • Import School Caller IDs

    • Import CSV of Caller IDs using:

      School Names or School Codes

  • Import school codes.

    • School Code Importing
  • Import bell times

    • School Bell Time Importing CSV Using:
      School Name or School Codes
  • Activate All

    • Used to "Activate" all schools on the page in one action.

      Schools can be activated individually.

  • Custom Settings

    • Set Custom Settings for:


        School Code 

      • Caller ID (established in Notifications - no. 3)

      • Bell Time (established in Notifications - no. 3)

      • Consecutive Days (established in Absence Options - no. 2) [Consecutive Days are the max number of consecutive school days parents/guardians can report absences using SafeArrival.]


  • Other Options (three dots)



    Add to a Group

    • Edit School Max Cumulative Days

    • Edit School Max Consecutive Days

    • Edit School Bell Time

    • Edit School Code

    • Edit School Term

    • Edit School Calendar

    • Edit Caller ID

    • Auto Notifications




    • Show School Settings

    • Sync Student Info

    • Edit Absence Option



Video Explaining Schools | Groups Tab in SafeArrival for System Admin





Group Page

Groups Page.PNG


  1. Create

    • To create a group you select the + green circle. Complete Group Name, Description (optional), and select Save.
      New Group.jpg
  2. Customize Group Settings

    • Customize allows System Admin to edit Absence Reasons and Absence Types used for the Group.
    • See Absence Options Training for instructions on how to manage Absence Reasons and Absence Types.

  3. More Menu

    • System Admin can:
      • Edit

      • Delete

      • Group Settings

      • Group School Term

      • Group School Calendar

      • Manage Schools in Group

      • Group Absence Options



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  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.
Version history
Last update:
‎04-15-2024 03:09 PM
Updated by:
Labels (1)