Video: System Admin - Calendar & School Term Tabs


The Calendar and School Term Tabs work together closely.

Calendar establishes the days when a parent/guardian can report absences.

School Term is the beginning and end of the school year.

The names of the tabs are self-explanatory, and you will find each tab is simple to understand and manage.



The Calendar and School Term Tabs of SafeArrival for System Admin

First set up School Term. Second establish the Calendar for the term.


School Term Tab.PNG




    • Enter/Edit School Term (beginning and end of school year)
    • NOTE: Advisable to select start of school term earlier than first day of classes. Set dates prior to first day as 'Black Out' allowing parents/guardians to report absences starting on the first day, and after, of school starting.

  2. Add new school term +

    • Select/Click to enter dates for first and last day of school term.

  3. Edit or Delete School Term

    • Select pencil to edit beginning or end of school term. Select X to delete school term.



Video Explaining the School Term Tab for System Admin




Calendar Tab

Calendar Tab.PNG



    • Manage calendar entering "Holiday" or "Exam Day" which will be school days parents/guardians cannot report absences.
    • All other school days of the School Term will be days parents/guardians can report absences.

  2. Add and event to the calendar.

    • Manually add (single or multiple days) event to calendar as either "Holiday" or "Exam."
    • Description is optional.

  3. Download (existing) calendar OR Import a calendar.

    • Instead of manually entering calendar dates you can manage Holiday and Exam days by uploading a CSV spreadsheet.
    • NOTE: Format will be: yyyy/mm/dd to specify date and Holiday or Exam Day for description.



Video Explaining the Calendar Tab




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The Calendar and School Term Tabs work together closely.

Calendar establishes the days when a parent/guardian can report absences.

School Term is the beginning and end of the school year.

The names of the tabs are self-explanatory, and you will find each tab is simple to understand and manage.



The Calendar and School Term Tabs of SafeArrival for System Admin

First set up School Term. Second establish the Calendar for the term.


School Term Tab.PNG




    • Enter/Edit School Term (beginning and end of school year)
    • NOTE: Advisable to select start of school term earlier than first day of classes. Set dates prior to first day as 'Black Out' allowing parents/guardians to report absences starting on the first day, and after, of school starting.

  2. Add new school term +

    • Select/Click to enter dates for first and last day of school term.

  3. Edit or Delete School Term

    • Select pencil to edit beginning or end of school term. Select X to delete school term.



Video Explaining the School Term Tab for System Admin




Calendar Tab

Calendar Tab.PNG



    • Manage calendar entering "Holiday" or "Exam Day" which will be school days parents/guardians cannot report absences.
    • All other school days of the School Term will be days parents/guardians can report absences.

  2. Add and event to the calendar.

    • Manually add (single or multiple days) event to calendar as either "Holiday" or "Exam."
    • Description is optional.

  3. Download (existing) calendar OR Import a calendar.

    • Instead of manually entering calendar dates you can manage Holiday and Exam days by uploading a CSV spreadsheet.
    • NOTE: Format will be: yyyy/mm/dd to specify date and Holiday or Exam Day for description.



Video Explaining the Calendar Tab




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The Calendar and School Term Tabs work together closely.

Calendar establishes the days when a parent/guardian can report absences.

School Term is the beginning and end of the school year.

The names of the tabs are self-explanatory, and you will find each tab is simple to understand and manage.



The Calendar and School Term Tabs of SafeArrival for System Admin

First set up School Term. Second establish the Calendar for the term.


School Term Tab.PNG




    • Enter/Edit School Term (beginning and end of school year)
    • NOTE: Advisable to select start of school term earlier than first day of classes. Set dates prior to first day as 'Black Out' allowing parents/guardians to report absences starting on the first day, and after, of school starting.

  2. Add new school term +

    • Select/Click to enter dates for first and last day of school term.

  3. Edit or Delete School Term

    • Select pencil to edit beginning or end of school term. Select X to delete school term.



Video Explaining the School Term Tab for System Admin




Calendar Tab

Calendar Tab.PNG



    • Manage calendar entering "Holiday" or "Exam Day" which will be school days parents/guardians cannot report absences.
    • All other school days of the School Term will be days parents/guardians can report absences.

  2. Add and event to the calendar.

    • Manually add (single or multiple days) event to calendar as either "Holiday" or "Exam."
    • Description is optional.

  3. Download (existing) calendar OR Import a calendar.

    • Instead of manually entering calendar dates you can manage Holiday and Exam days by uploading a CSV spreadsheet.
    • NOTE: Format will be: yyyy/mm/dd to specify date and Holiday or Exam Day for description.



Video Explaining the Calendar Tab




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‎04-15-2024 04:30 PM
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