How to Use Flexible Timeframe Deposit Report

As part of Permission Click’s continued effort to better serve the needs of our customers, we are pleased to announce that our users are now able to access “Flexible Timeframe Deposits” as a template while creating Reports. Below are the detailed steps as to how users can access and generate the “Flexible Timeframe Deposits” template:


  1. Navigate to the “Reports” section from the top Nav of the application and use the “New Report” option.



            Note: Flexible Timeframe Deposits template can only be accessed when New Report request is initiated from the Reports section.


  1. New Report dialog box would open. Here the user would be able to input “Report Name”, an optional description for the report and under the Select Report Template dropdown, would be able to view “Flexible Timeframe Deposits” as an option.


  1. After Flexible Timeframe Deposits is selected, users can skip the report editor and directly publish the report or choose to go into report editor before publishing by using the radio button provided at the bottom of the dialog box.
  2. The template provides the following sheets already populated in the template:
    1. Deposits by Organization
    2. Deposits by Forms
    3. Deposits by Order
    4. Deposits by Ticket
    5. Deposits by Purchased Ticket
    6. Transactions

         Furthermore, all the sheets have the “Start Date” and “End Date” filters already applied to the      sheets.

  1. Users can also use the “Schedule” section in the Report Editor to schedule report generation.
  2. After Publishing the report, it would appear in the Reports section. Please note that Contrary to how filters were handled before, Reports now allow users to publish reports without specifying filter values at the time of Publishing.
  3. Users would be able to Generate the report by using the option from Actions Dropdown.


  1. On generating the report, user would be presented with a new dialog box, prompting the user to provide values for the Date filters. Users can input static dates or use preset values provided in the date dropdown.


In case of multiple filters that require values, users would be able to navigate between filters using the arrows highlighted in the screenshot.


  1. After providing the date values, user would have to select “Set” to finalize the selection. Or use the “clear” option to reselect the date.
  2. After generating the report, the users would be able to see the status of the report. Once complete download button would appear.







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As part of Permission Click’s continued effort to better serve the needs of our customers, we are pleased to announce that our users are now able to access “Flexible Timeframe Deposits” as a template while creating Reports. Below are the detailed steps as to how users can access and generate the “Flexible Timeframe Deposits” template:


  1. Navigate to the “Reports” section from the top Nav of the application and use the “New Report” option.



            Note: Flexible Timeframe Deposits template can only be accessed when New Report request is initiated from the Reports section.


  1. New Report dialog box would open. Here the user would be able to input “Report Name”, an optional description for the report and under the Select Report Template dropdown, would be able to view “Flexible Timeframe Deposits” as an option.


  1. After Flexible Timeframe Deposits is selected, users can skip the report editor and directly publish the report or choose to go into report editor before publishing by using the radio button provided at the bottom of the dialog box.
  2. The template provides the following sheets already populated in the template:
    1. Deposits by Organization
    2. Deposits by Forms
    3. Deposits by Order
    4. Deposits by Ticket
    5. Deposits by Purchased Ticket
    6. Transactions

         Furthermore, all the sheets have the “Start Date” and “End Date” filters already applied to the      sheets.

  1. Users can also use the “Schedule” section in the Report Editor to schedule report generation.
  2. After Publishing the report, it would appear in the Reports section. Please note that Contrary to how filters were handled before, Reports now allow users to publish reports without specifying filter values at the time of Publishing.
  3. Users would be able to Generate the report by using the option from Actions Dropdown.


  1. On generating the report, user would be presented with a new dialog box, prompting the user to provide values for the Date filters. Users can input static dates or use preset values provided in the date dropdown.


In case of multiple filters that require values, users would be able to navigate between filters using the arrows highlighted in the screenshot.


  1. After providing the date values, user would have to select “Set” to finalize the selection. Or use the “clear” option to reselect the date.
  2. After generating the report, the users would be able to see the status of the report. Once complete download button would appear.







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As part of Permission Click’s continued effort to better serve the needs of our customers, we are pleased to announce that our users are now able to access “Flexible Timeframe Deposits” as a template while creating Reports. Below are the detailed steps as to how users can access and generate the “Flexible Timeframe Deposits” template:


  1. Navigate to the “Reports” section from the top Nav of the application and use the “New Report” option.



            Note: Flexible Timeframe Deposits template can only be accessed when New Report request is initiated from the Reports section.


  1. New Report dialog box would open. Here the user would be able to input “Report Name”, an optional description for the report and under the Select Report Template dropdown, would be able to view “Flexible Timeframe Deposits” as an option.


  1. After Flexible Timeframe Deposits is selected, users can skip the report editor and directly publish the report or choose to go into report editor before publishing by using the radio button provided at the bottom of the dialog box.
  2. The template provides the following sheets already populated in the template:
    1. Deposits by Organization
    2. Deposits by Forms
    3. Deposits by Order
    4. Deposits by Ticket
    5. Deposits by Purchased Ticket
    6. Transactions

         Furthermore, all the sheets have the “Start Date” and “End Date” filters already applied to the      sheets.

  1. Users can also use the “Schedule” section in the Report Editor to schedule report generation.
  2. After Publishing the report, it would appear in the Reports section. Please note that Contrary to how filters were handled before, Reports now allow users to publish reports without specifying filter values at the time of Publishing.
  3. Users would be able to Generate the report by using the option from Actions Dropdown.


  1. On generating the report, user would be presented with a new dialog box, prompting the user to provide values for the Date filters. Users can input static dates or use preset values provided in the date dropdown.


In case of multiple filters that require values, users would be able to navigate between filters using the arrows highlighted in the screenshot.


  1. After providing the date values, user would have to select “Set” to finalize the selection. Or use the “clear” option to reselect the date.
  2. After generating the report, the users would be able to see the status of the report. Once complete download button would appear.







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Version history
Last update:
‎07-23-2024 01:22 PM
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