
How-To: Sync Roster Changes


How to Sync roster changes?



If you populate your form with a roster, you can choose to Sync Roster Changes until a defined date from the Supervisor & Settings tab in the Form Manager.


Input a date in the future, and the form will now automatically maintain and update the form’s roster whenever a new roster file is uploaded to Permission Click.


Leaving this date blank will NOT automatically update the roster when a new file is uploaded.



  • This will only be available if you have the roster integration.




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How to Sync roster changes?



If you populate your form with a roster, you can choose to Sync Roster Changes until a defined date from the Supervisor & Settings tab in the Form Manager.


Input a date in the future, and the form will now automatically maintain and update the form’s roster whenever a new roster file is uploaded to Permission Click.


Leaving this date blank will NOT automatically update the roster when a new file is uploaded.



  • This will only be available if you have the roster integration.




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How to Sync roster changes?



If you populate your form with a roster, you can choose to Sync Roster Changes until a defined date from the Supervisor & Settings tab in the Form Manager.


Input a date in the future, and the form will now automatically maintain and update the form’s roster whenever a new roster file is uploaded to Permission Click.


Leaving this date blank will NOT automatically update the roster when a new file is uploaded.



  • This will only be available if you have the roster integration.




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‎12-15-2023 10:02 AM
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