Video: Using Forms in SchoolMessenger Communicate (Part 1)


Forms allow you to collect information from your recipients in an easily accessible online format.




Enabling Forms Access

Forms access is controlled by local System Administrators at the profile level.


Forms Page.PNG

  1. Click on the Broadcast tab in the upper left.

  2. The Forms Submenu

    • Forms will appear under the Broadcast tab only if it has been enabled for the Profile. Continue with this course to learn how to activate Forms at the Profile level.


Admin Tab.PNG


Advanced Broadcast.PNG


  1. Click on the Admin tab.

    • If Forms have not been enabled for a Profile, click on the Admin tab.
    • Note that only System Administrators have access to the Admin tab.
  2. The Profiles Submenu

    • After clicking on Admin, select Profiles in the submenu.
  3. Edit the Appropriate Profile

    • To the right of the Profile for which you wish to enable access to Forms, click Edit.
  4. Scroll Down in the Profile Settings

    • Scroll down to the section called Advanced Broadcast Options.
    • Here, Check the box next to Create Forms.
    • Click Save in the lower left.
    • The Forms option will now appear under the Broadcasts tab for users assigned to that Profile.



Creating your Forms template.



  1. The Broadcasts Tab

    • To access Forms, click on the Broadcasts tab in the upper left.

  2. The Forms Submenu

    • Under the Broadcasts Tab, choose the Forms submenu. If this option doesn't exist, please contact a local System Administrator.


My Forms.PNG


  1. The Forms Windows

    • When you select Forms under the Broadcasts tab, a new window will open, showing you your existing forms.
  2. Create A New Forms Template

    • To create a new forms template, click the white dot with a plus sign in the upper right.


Create a New Form.PNG


  1. Form Name

    • Name your Form. You are limited to 128 characters. Be as descriptive as possible within that limitation.
  2. Description

    • Description is not a required field. However, it can be beneficial if you need more space to describe the purpose of the form to potential respondents.
  3. Form Active Period

    • These dates allow you to set when the form is "live" and available to respondents. As noted, if you leave these blank, the form is live as soon as the template is created and will not automatically expire.
    • Note if you set a Start Date in the future, be certain not to send the link to respondents prior to that time, or they will receive an error stating they cannot access the form.
  4. Schedule

    • A One Time Form means the Form will be sent once. It does not mean it cannot be reused in the future. This will be used for most Forms.
    • A form set to Daily resets the reporting every day. This can be useful if you are collecting data on a daily basis over a period of time.
  5. Options

    • The option to Track recipient submission will return information to you regarding who filled out the form. Leaving this blank will mean Form submissions are anonymous.
    • Only Allow One ... means a respondent can only submit a form one time per link. Any subsequent attempts will result in an error. Note if you send the form link via email AND text, those are different links, and the respondent could fill out the Form once per link.
    • Disable leaves the form intact for future reuse but prevents access to it by respondents.
  6. Confirmation Text

    • If you enter Confirmation Text here, this is what will appear on a respondent's screen when they submit the form. It can be useful for letting them know they have completed the form and can close the window without losing their submission.
  7. Share Form With

    • Much like Publish and Subscribe with Communicate Messages and Lists, you can share a form. However, sharing only allows another use to access the form and see the report. It does not allow them to send the form to respondents. They would need to copy the form and send the link to the copy.
  8. Cancel or Save

    • Click Cancel if you do not need to create the form. Clicking Save will save the template and open it in edit mode so you can make modifications. Those steps are covered in the next lesson of this course. 



Continue with Forms in SchoolMessenger Communicate Part 2 and Part 3



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Forms allow you to collect information from your recipients in an easily accessible online format.




Enabling Forms Access

Forms access is controlled by local System Administrators at the profile level.


Forms Page.PNG

  1. Click on the Broadcast tab in the upper left.

  2. The Forms Submenu

    • Forms will appear under the Broadcast tab only if it has been enabled for the Profile. Continue with this course to learn how to activate Forms at the Profile level.


Admin Tab.PNG


Advanced Broadcast.PNG


  1. Click on the Admin tab.

    • If Forms have not been enabled for a Profile, click on the Admin tab.
    • Note that only System Administrators have access to the Admin tab.
  2. The Profiles Submenu

    • After clicking on Admin, select Profiles in the submenu.
  3. Edit the Appropriate Profile

    • To the right of the Profile for which you wish to enable access to Forms, click Edit.
  4. Scroll Down in the Profile Settings

    • Scroll down to the section called Advanced Broadcast Options.
    • Here, Check the box next to Create Forms.
    • Click Save in the lower left.
    • The Forms option will now appear under the Broadcasts tab for users assigned to that Profile.



Creating your Forms template.



  1. The Broadcasts Tab

    • To access Forms, click on the Broadcasts tab in the upper left.

  2. The Forms Submenu

    • Under the Broadcasts Tab, choose the Forms submenu. If this option doesn't exist, please contact a local System Administrator.


My Forms.PNG


  1. The Forms Windows

    • When you select Forms under the Broadcasts tab, a new window will open, showing you your existing forms.
  2. Create A New Forms Template

    • To create a new forms template, click the white dot with a plus sign in the upper right.


Create a New Form.PNG


  1. Form Name

    • Name your Form. You are limited to 128 characters. Be as descriptive as possible within that limitation.
  2. Description

    • Description is not a required field. However, it can be beneficial if you need more space to describe the purpose of the form to potential respondents.
  3. Form Active Period

    • These dates allow you to set when the form is "live" and available to respondents. As noted, if you leave these blank, the form is live as soon as the template is created and will not automatically expire.
    • Note if you set a Start Date in the future, be certain not to send the link to respondents prior to that time, or they will receive an error stating they cannot access the form.
  4. Schedule

    • A One Time Form means the Form will be sent once. It does not mean it cannot be reused in the future. This will be used for most Forms.
    • A form set to Daily resets the reporting every day. This can be useful if you are collecting data on a daily basis over a period of time.
  5. Options

    • The option to Track recipient submission will return information to you regarding who filled out the form. Leaving this blank will mean Form submissions are anonymous.
    • Only Allow One ... means a respondent can only submit a form one time per link. Any subsequent attempts will result in an error. Note if you send the form link via email AND text, those are different links, and the respondent could fill out the Form once per link.
    • Disable leaves the form intact for future reuse but prevents access to it by respondents.
  6. Confirmation Text

    • If you enter Confirmation Text here, this is what will appear on a respondent's screen when they submit the form. It can be useful for letting them know they have completed the form and can close the window without losing their submission.
  7. Share Form With

    • Much like Publish and Subscribe with Communicate Messages and Lists, you can share a form. However, sharing only allows another use to access the form and see the report. It does not allow them to send the form to respondents. They would need to copy the form and send the link to the copy.
  8. Cancel or Save

    • Click Cancel if you do not need to create the form. Clicking Save will save the template and open it in edit mode so you can make modifications. Those steps are covered in the next lesson of this course. 



Continue with Forms in SchoolMessenger Communicate Part 2 and Part 3



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Forms allow you to collect information from your recipients in an easily accessible online format.




Enabling Forms Access

Forms access is controlled by local System Administrators at the profile level.


Forms Page.PNG

  1. Click on the Broadcast tab in the upper left.

  2. The Forms Submenu

    • Forms will appear under the Broadcast tab only if it has been enabled for the Profile. Continue with this course to learn how to activate Forms at the Profile level.


Admin Tab.PNG


Advanced Broadcast.PNG


  1. Click on the Admin tab.

    • If Forms have not been enabled for a Profile, click on the Admin tab.
    • Note that only System Administrators have access to the Admin tab.
  2. The Profiles Submenu

    • After clicking on Admin, select Profiles in the submenu.
  3. Edit the Appropriate Profile

    • To the right of the Profile for which you wish to enable access to Forms, click Edit.
  4. Scroll Down in the Profile Settings

    • Scroll down to the section called Advanced Broadcast Options.
    • Here, Check the box next to Create Forms.
    • Click Save in the lower left.
    • The Forms option will now appear under the Broadcasts tab for users assigned to that Profile.



Creating your Forms template.



  1. The Broadcasts Tab

    • To access Forms, click on the Broadcasts tab in the upper left.

  2. The Forms Submenu

    • Under the Broadcasts Tab, choose the Forms submenu. If this option doesn't exist, please contact a local System Administrator.


My Forms.PNG


  1. The Forms Windows

    • When you select Forms under the Broadcasts tab, a new window will open, showing you your existing forms.
  2. Create A New Forms Template

    • To create a new forms template, click the white dot with a plus sign in the upper right.


Create a New Form.PNG


  1. Form Name

    • Name your Form. You are limited to 128 characters. Be as descriptive as possible within that limitation.
  2. Description

    • Description is not a required field. However, it can be beneficial if you need more space to describe the purpose of the form to potential respondents.
  3. Form Active Period

    • These dates allow you to set when the form is "live" and available to respondents. As noted, if you leave these blank, the form is live as soon as the template is created and will not automatically expire.
    • Note if you set a Start Date in the future, be certain not to send the link to respondents prior to that time, or they will receive an error stating they cannot access the form.
  4. Schedule

    • A One Time Form means the Form will be sent once. It does not mean it cannot be reused in the future. This will be used for most Forms.
    • A form set to Daily resets the reporting every day. This can be useful if you are collecting data on a daily basis over a period of time.
  5. Options

    • The option to Track recipient submission will return information to you regarding who filled out the form. Leaving this blank will mean Form submissions are anonymous.
    • Only Allow One ... means a respondent can only submit a form one time per link. Any subsequent attempts will result in an error. Note if you send the form link via email AND text, those are different links, and the respondent could fill out the Form once per link.
    • Disable leaves the form intact for future reuse but prevents access to it by respondents.
  6. Confirmation Text

    • If you enter Confirmation Text here, this is what will appear on a respondent's screen when they submit the form. It can be useful for letting them know they have completed the form and can close the window without losing their submission.
  7. Share Form With

    • Much like Publish and Subscribe with Communicate Messages and Lists, you can share a form. However, sharing only allows another use to access the form and see the report. It does not allow them to send the form to respondents. They would need to copy the form and send the link to the copy.
  8. Cancel or Save

    • Click Cancel if you do not need to create the form. Clicking Save will save the template and open it in edit mode so you can make modifications. Those steps are covered in the next lesson of this course. 



Continue with Forms in SchoolMessenger Communicate Part 2 and Part 3



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Version history
Last update:
‎04-18-2024 04:51 PM
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