QuickDoc: Initial Outreach- Parent Sign-Up Form Letter Template


Use the attached template if desired in your email notifications, which includes a basic sign-up form, to inform parents that your organization is using Communicate, and to provide them the option of filling out the sign-up form and turning it in the school or district to provide you with their contact information.




Your local school district has contracted with PowerSchool, provider of SchoolMessenger Solutions such as Communicate for parental outreach, emergency broadcasts, student attendance alerts and other communications for education.

The Communicate system is designed to automatically notify parents for reasons that impact the safety and academic performance of students. Communicate will extend the district’s existing community outreach efforts and emergency preparedness procedures, as well as inform parents of upcoming school events such as statewide testing and parent meetings. As a comprehensive communication tool, Communicate will contribute to the district’s involvement initiatives, allowing the district to engage the broader educational community about a wide range of topics affecting students’ academic success.

Communicate will not replace current school communication methods. Principals will still be accessible for live visits and will continue to communicate via current methods including paper-based memoranda. The district’s implementation of the Communicate system is intended to extend its commitment to remain personally connected with parents by offering additional and timely communications.


PowerSchool is the trusted provider of SchoolMessenger Solutions. Thousands of schools and other educational institutions in all 50 states and Canada depend on SchoolMessenger products and services. From notifications and websites to custom mobile apps and social media, school leaders have relied on the SchoolMessengerplatform since 1999 to engage with their communities in multiple languages and on any device.

Please call the school to provide or update your contact information today or use the next page to fill out your information and turn it in to the school as soon as possible.



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Use the attached template if desired in your email notifications, which includes a basic sign-up form, to inform parents that your organization is using Communicate, and to provide them the option of filling out the sign-up form and turning it in the school or district to provide you with their contact information.




Your local school district has contracted with PowerSchool, provider of SchoolMessenger Solutions such as Communicate for parental outreach, emergency broadcasts, student attendance alerts and other communications for education.

The Communicate system is designed to automatically notify parents for reasons that impact the safety and academic performance of students. Communicate will extend the district’s existing community outreach efforts and emergency preparedness procedures, as well as inform parents of upcoming school events such as statewide testing and parent meetings. As a comprehensive communication tool, Communicate will contribute to the district’s involvement initiatives, allowing the district to engage the broader educational community about a wide range of topics affecting students’ academic success.

Communicate will not replace current school communication methods. Principals will still be accessible for live visits and will continue to communicate via current methods including paper-based memoranda. The district’s implementation of the Communicate system is intended to extend its commitment to remain personally connected with parents by offering additional and timely communications.


PowerSchool is the trusted provider of SchoolMessenger Solutions. Thousands of schools and other educational institutions in all 50 states and Canada depend on SchoolMessenger products and services. From notifications and websites to custom mobile apps and social media, school leaders have relied on the SchoolMessengerplatform since 1999 to engage with their communities in multiple languages and on any device.

Please call the school to provide or update your contact information today or use the next page to fill out your information and turn it in to the school as soon as possible.



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Use the attached template if desired in your email notifications, which includes a basic sign-up form, to inform parents that your organization is using Communicate, and to provide them the option of filling out the sign-up form and turning it in the school or district to provide you with their contact information.




Your local school district has contracted with PowerSchool, provider of SchoolMessenger Solutions such as Communicate for parental outreach, emergency broadcasts, student attendance alerts and other communications for education.

The Communicate system is designed to automatically notify parents for reasons that impact the safety and academic performance of students. Communicate will extend the district’s existing community outreach efforts and emergency preparedness procedures, as well as inform parents of upcoming school events such as statewide testing and parent meetings. As a comprehensive communication tool, Communicate will contribute to the district’s involvement initiatives, allowing the district to engage the broader educational community about a wide range of topics affecting students’ academic success.

Communicate will not replace current school communication methods. Principals will still be accessible for live visits and will continue to communicate via current methods including paper-based memoranda. The district’s implementation of the Communicate system is intended to extend its commitment to remain personally connected with parents by offering additional and timely communications.


PowerSchool is the trusted provider of SchoolMessenger Solutions. Thousands of schools and other educational institutions in all 50 states and Canada depend on SchoolMessenger products and services. From notifications and websites to custom mobile apps and social media, school leaders have relied on the SchoolMessengerplatform since 1999 to engage with their communities in multiple languages and on any device.

Please call the school to provide or update your contact information today or use the next page to fill out your information and turn it in to the school as soon as possible.



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Last update:
‎06-13-2024 01:08 PM
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