Adding Co-Teachers to SchoolMessenger Class Sections

New Member

Adding Co-Teachers to SchoolMessenger Class Sections

We are currently unable to make it so that our PowerSchool import to SchoolMessenger Communicate assigns co-teachers to the class sections. Only one teacher can be sent over as the primary teacher. Co-teachers do not have any class sections unless an admin goes in and manually assigns them. This is incredibly time consuming as you have to search through the class sections and click the checkbox next to each one, while looking at the co-teachers schedule in PowerSchool. 


They should revise it so that co-teachers and primary teachers are automatically assigned to their class sections in the import.

1 Reply
Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @ameredith 


You can manually add the sections or school to the co-teachers, but only one teacher can be imported per section.


Currently, co-teachers are not able to be automatically associated with their sections in SchoolMessenger. You can share this idea as an Enhancement Request on  PowerSchool Ideas Portal so that the product team can take a look at this. This article should walk you through how to raise an Enhancement Request.


Jyotishka B.
Community Moderator

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