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If you attempt to access a form and the only screen that appears says “Action Has Closed”, this means that the form is not currently available.
Action Has Closed
The form may be down for maintenance, or the registration period for your school district has not opened yet.
In this case, we would recommend contacting your school district for further information about why the form is closed. However, there are a few steps you can take before contacting your school district.
If these steps do not help you access the form, contact your school district’s Enrollment section for further assistance.
If you attempt to access a form and the only screen that appears says “Action Has Closed”, this means that the form is not currently available.
Action Has Closed
The form may be down for maintenance, or the registration period for your school district has not opened yet.
In this case, we would recommend contacting your school district for further information about why the form is closed. However, there are a few steps you can take before contacting your school district.
If these steps do not help you access the form, contact your school district’s Enrollment section for further assistance.
If you attempt to access a form and the only screen that appears says “Action Has Closed”, this means that the form is not currently available.
Action Has Closed
The form may be down for maintenance, or the registration period for your school district has not opened yet.
In this case, we would recommend contacting your school district for further information about why the form is closed. However, there are a few steps you can take before contacting your school district.
If these steps do not help you access the form, contact your school district’s Enrollment section for further assistance.