
Messages and Alerts

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Messages and Alerts

Community Manager

There are two icons on the top right-hand side of the Community page, that let you know when you have notifications or new messages. 


Please note: you'll only see notifications and messages as a logged in user.








The bell icon will let you know if you have any new notifications. If there is a new post on a board you subscribe to or a response to one of your posts, you'll see a number displayed next to this icon letting you know you have new items.


To view the details, click on the bell. Once you have viewed the items, the number will go away. 


If you are not receiving any notifications, you may not have subscribed to any of our boards. Please see this post with information on how to subscribe.









Our PowerSchool Community team or other members of our Community may send you a private message using the envelope icon on the top right-hand side of the page. If you have any unread messages, you'll see a number displayed there alerting you to check your inbox.


Once you click on the envelope and read any new messages, this number will no longer display.


We hope this is helpful information. Please feel free to reach out the members of our Community Team or post in our feedback forum if you have any questions.


- Your PowerSchool Community Team