PowerSchool Team
03:03 PM
Hear all about our 2021 Roadmap Plans from Product Leadership (including
updated Elementary Experience, deepening integration with PowerSchool
SIS, and more!)
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PowerSchool Team
12:51 PM
This year, more than any other year, consider making an effort to unplug
yourself and your family. With online learning, remote working, and
virtual meetings with family and friends, make unplugging a priority
while also protecting people in your communit...
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PowerSchool Team
08:37 PM
Watch our on-demand recording of the Success with Schoology Webinar held
on Dec 02, 2020 at 3:00 PM ET. Topic: Tips and Tricks for the Schoology
Gradebook and End-of-Term During this webinar we highlighted: A quick
look at some noteworthy aspects of the S...
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PowerSchool Team
03:59 PM
Watch our on-demand recording of the Success with Schoology Webinar held
on Nov 18th 2020 at 3:00 PM ET. Topic: Tips & Tricks with Mastery &
Rubrics During this webinar we highlighted: A look at how Schoology can
help measure progress by standard(s) Tips ...
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PowerSchool Team
04:33 PM
As an instructional designer and former high school teacher, Cindy
recorded a sample virtual back to school night that includes some tools
and tips teachers may find helpful in planning their own back to school
night and/or ways to visually and virtually ...
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PowerSchool Team
02:37 PM
Watch our on-demand recording of the Back to Schoology Webinar held on
Sep 2nd 2020 at 3:00 PM ET. Topic: Course Assessments in Schoology
Learning During this webinar we highlighted: A look at the various
questions types available in Course Assessments. ...
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PowerSchool Team
01:22 PM
Watch our on-demand recording of the webinars held on Aug 12th 2020. In
which Kellie Ady - our Senior Director of Instructional Strategy,
addressed many of the questions that Schoology Learning users have –
especially those new to the Enterprise Schoology...
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PowerSchool Team
10:00 AM
In the process of researching and writing this article, I read The
Atlantic’s article by Ibram X. Kendi, titled “The American Nightmare.”
From 1896, the same year the Supreme Court decision, Plessy v Ferguson,
legalized segregation, Kendi discusses a raci...
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PowerSchool Team
01:31 PM
In these unprecedented times that we are all enduring right now, I find
our family is pulling out all the stops to keep life moving in a healthy
and helpful direction. Most days in our house, a flurry of activity
surrounds work for both adults and schooli...
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PowerSchool Team
12:38 PM
PowerSchool’s teams of education experts are coming together to lead and
discuss ways school leaders and/or teachers can create and adapt
instruction for blended and online learning environments. Attend one or
multiple weekly workshops and customize a lea...
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PowerSchool Team
01:45 PM
In these unprecedented times, our PowerSchool team is working to help
you and your staff prepare and plan for this summer and upcoming school
year. Our astounding team of educators are presenting multiple
opportunities for you and your staff to prepare, b...
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PowerSchool Team
04:18 PM
Objectives are an invaluable resource for achieving learning outcomes. A
well-written objective includes information that will help guide both
teachers and students. Teachers need objectives to help plan a lesson,
the activities, and the evaluation of the...
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PowerSchool Team
08:47 AM
Teachers, do you remember the lesson plan overview you created in your
teacher credential and/or masters’ program classes?! If you’re like me,
you thought to yourself at the time, “I’ll never use this overview with
my students in my classroom.” Like most ...
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PowerSchool Team
03:47 PM
In this article, 10 Top Tips to Use Zoom Safely, Betanews shares their
10 top tips to help you use Zoom safely for your video conferencing
needs during distance learning. Zoom's privacy and security issues have
caused concern for many people. Betanews is ...
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PowerSchool Team
03:41 PM
In this article, Help Calm the Storm: What you Can Do Today to Prevent
Child Maltreatment while Social Distancing, Frank Kros shares actions
each of us can take during social distancing and sheltering in place to
avoid one of the many unintended consequen...
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PowerSchool Team
02:13 PM
As a mom, trained educator, and a fulltime employee with two teenagers,
I’ve watched them struggle, offered help, and listened a lot about the
challenges in adapting to distance learning. This week one of my
teenagers felt overwhelmed and struggled to jus...
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PowerSchool Team
12:22 PM
Use the following lists to ask for your child’s help around the house.
Older kids can do items on the lists for younger kids or they can help
teach anything in those lists to younger kids. Beyond these lists, use
Pinterest, Google, and/or other resources ...
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01:36 PM
Looking for an easy way to convert printed text documents to editable
Google docs? Then try this trick with Google Drive. You'll need a Google
account, the Google Drive app installed on your mobile device, and
access to the web-based version of Google Dri...
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Lead Community Moderator
07:51 AM
As you and parents know, students struggle to ask for help through
email. Prior to COVID-19, parents primarily emailed teachers when they
felt their students needed additional help or support. But now, students
need the skills to be able to reach out to t...
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Lead Community Moderator
08:52 AM
When leading an online meeting, transform the background behind you into
something school related to help keep students focused on your
distance-learning objectives. Our team pulled together six free images
for you to use in your virtual meeting platforms...
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Lead Community Moderator
08:48 AM
In the coming days and weeks, our team will contribute helpful
resources, tips, and suggestions related to distance learning to help
support ANY teacher, parent, administrator, or supportive community
member. Please feel free to share these resources with...
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