
view all student grades in single list, all classes jumbled up alphabetically


view all student grades in single list, all classes jumbled up alphabetically

I've done various searches for this info but no luck. I'm in a weird situation where I need to view all my students' current grades for ALL my classes, NOT separated by class but all in one single humongous 180-student alphabetized list. I'm suspecting that this is not possible in powerschool but am hoping against hope that it is. It would make my life a great deal easier. Can someone confirm or deny?

3 Replies

It sounds like you're already getting the data you want, it's just not sorting correctly. What process are you using to get the grades?


Are you talking about PowerTeacher Pro gradebook?


Dan Morgan
Saint Mary's College High School - Berkeley, CA
PowerSchool Hosted - v 24.3 - 600 Students
PowerSchool User and Admin since 2000
PowerSchool Mentor
PowerSchool Mentor

Were you able to view the students' grade in one list?

Nicole Bond
Director of Attendance and Enrollment
Haywood County Schools
Brownsville, TN

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