I am very new to PowerSchool and just trying to figure out a way to mass assign/enter the locker numbers for our students. Currently we are entering each one individually. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi @wagnerm
Thank you for reaching out to the Community for assistance!
You should be able to mass assign the locker numbers for the students by following the steps as Start Page >School Setup > Locker Management and Mass Assign Lockers.
We would like to update the names of the Locker Groups; however, we believe are missing certain functions to access that area. When I go to Start Page >School Setup, I do not see Locker Management. Yet, I can find Locker Management under Special Functions, but do not see the Locker Groups, only Mass Assignment, Home Room Report, Graduating Student, etc. What component are we missing in our PowerSchool system?
Hi! @NSarratt
We will have to take a closer look at the system setup to determine the missing components. Since the community is a public forum, I recommend reaching out to the Designated Support Contacts within the district who should be able to create a case on your behalf, and our support team will troubleshoot and provide you the resolution via the case.
Is there a way to block off a bank of lockers so they are not assigned to a student during the Mass Assign process?
I do not think it is there. Try searching for this article: How-To: Import Locker Groups, Padlocks and Lockers for PowerPack Locker Management for working with lockers.
Also please look at a Plug in called Power Pack or PowerPack Locker Management.
If you do not have PowerPack you can update the locker_number and locker_combination field through an import to the students table.
I do not have PowerPack. Could you walk me through how to do an import of locker numbers please?
@ZelmaC (These instructions assume you are using stock fields):
Select the students you want to work with. Do a Quick Export of:
(whatever other fields you'd like)
Add two columns to the export:
Fill the locker columns with the appropriate information. Delete all columns except student_number and the locker columns. Save this file as a tab-delimited .txt file.
Go to Special Functions>Importing & Exporting>Quick Import.
Select the Students table, your import file, and check Suggest Field map. Import. Make sure the fields are mapped correctly and select the two red-boxed options in the screenshot.
Thank you SO MUCH for your help!! That was exactly what I needed!!
I am new to using the Powerpack add-on in PowerSchool. Are there any tutorials for this? I am specifically trying to use it to assign lockers to various groups in different building areas.
Hi @mmmeyers
Thank you for reaching out to the PowerSchool Community.
I will create a case on your behalf to work with you to access the PowerPack resources.