
how to convert points to percents


how to convert points to percents

Is there a way to set up assignments so that if an assignment is entered using points (for example 8 out of 10 points), but the student actually sees 80% rather than 8 points??  A 20 point assignment is worth more than a 10 point assignment, but the students understand percents better. With our old system I could weight grades so that a small/short assignment was only worth .25 and longer assignments were worth 2, for example.  So 80% with a .25 weight wouldn't affect the grade as much as an 80% with a 2 weight would affect the grade more.

1 Reply
PowerSchool Team
PowerSchool Team



The weighting of the assignment is dependent on the number of points.  You should be able to set the assignment grade to a percentage rather than points.  For example, rather than the teacher entering 10 points out of 20 points assignment, they can enter 50 percent.  Instead of adding 20 points out of a 20 points assignment, they can add 100%.  Just note that the assignments still have to have points assigned, and that will determine the weighting of the assignment within the category relative to other assignments.

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