
Student/Staff/Contacts search bar


Student/Staff/Contacts search bar



I have just updated to the newest PowerSchool. My question is on the Student/Staff/Contacts search bar on the start page. I used to be able to type the first few letters of a name and a drop down list would generate with like student names, grade level, etc. I realize I can do this on the new search box feature, but it opens a new window every time. How can I get the Student search bar to have that feature again? Thanks!

12 Replies

The new search bar has that feature; however, by default it searches by last name. So you have to start typing the last name of the student/staff/contact for them to pop-up in the drop down menu. And from there you can select to add them to your current selection or to just select the individual.


Thank you. I am aware I can use the new search bar, I was just hoping it would work on the old search bar like it used too. My co-workers still have it working on theirs but mine does not. 


Have you gone into Manage your profile (top right corner) and looked at your settings?  I really enjoy the "opens to a new window" because you can do 2 things at once.


Oh perfect, I also just found out that under manage profile I had "disable smart search" checked off. That fixed my problem! Thanks for your help. ðŸ™‚


Are there different versions of Powerschool that allow the search feature. Our district is new to this and currently everyone and I mean everyone, hates it. We used to have a search feature on our previous SIS but don't with Powershcool. Trying to find some solutions since we're stuck with it for the year at least.

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

@petersonb You don't have a Search feature on the Start page? 




Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

Nope. No search bar. It would make everyone's life so much better if we did.

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

@petersonb That is one of the most basic functions of PowerSchool. Ask your PS Admin if there is some sort of customization they've made. Or, if you have access, turn off Customization yourself and see what your PowerSchool looks like. 

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

Ok, I will. Thank you so much. 


Is that just through the Admin Portal or is there a search feature for teacher access also?

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

@petersonb There is no search function for teachers as they only have access to students rostered to them (we wouldn't want to violate FERPA!). I've seen some customizations that create a "Student Directory," but be careful of applicable laws for wherever you live. 

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

Ok thank you. I have over 100 students rostered to me, so it would be nice to be able to search within those students as it was possible in our previous SIS. Doesn't quite make sense why they wouldn't be able to make this happen. I'm starting to realize why there are so many users who don't like this system.